10 Items That Will Help You Organize Your Pantry On A Budget

Getting your pantry clean and organized and keeping it that way is no easy task. How many times have you cleaned it out and organized it only for everything to be in disarray a short time later?

And sure, you could buy all the fancy containers and baskets to get your pantry organized so that it is easier to maintain. But let’s face it, storage is expensive, and storage for your pantry is no exception.

So, how do you get your pantry organized while on a budget?

In this blog post, we’ll review 10 inexpensive items that will help you organize your pantry. In addition, we’ll dive into how you can undertake this project while maintaining your budget. Let’s jump right in!

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How do I organize my pantry like a pro?

The first step is to take everything out of the pantry. This may seem like a pain, but it’s actually really important. Once everything is out, you can start sorting through everything and getting rid of any products that may have expired or that you know you will never use.

Once you’ve decluttered your pantry, it’s time to start cleaning. Give the shelves a good wipe-down so that they are clean and ready to hold all of the stuff you store in your pantry.

Next, it’s time to start thinking about storage.

Before you buy storage, it can be really helpful to consider how you want to store each individual item and make a list of what you want. Getting a plan together will help you be intentional about what you buy, avoid wasting money on storage items that you don’t need, and even wait for the items you want to go on sale.

How do I maximize pantry space?

There are a few different ways that you can maximize pantry space, and it really depends on the dimensions of your specific pantry and what will work best for you and your family.

One way you can create more space is by using stackable storage containers. These are great because they take up less room than traditional storage containers and they allow you to stack things on top of each other so that you can make the most of the space that you have. This is great for pantries with a lot of space between shelves.

Another way to create more space is by using clear storage containers. This allows you to see what is inside the container without having to open it up. Using clear containers can also save you a lot of time when you’re looking for something specific. Plus, you won’t have to spend as much money labeling containers if you can see what’s inside.

Finally, one last way to create more space is by hanging things on the walls or on the door.

How much does it cost to organize a pantry?

Organizing your pantry could cost you nothing at all. Getting everything in its right place may simply be a matter of time and a little elbow grease. Taking everything out, discarding old products, and putting everything in its proper place, may be all that’s required.

Of course, getting everything in order the way you want could require investing in things like jars, shelves, racks, and other containers. To organize your pantry, you could spend as little as $100 or less, depending on the size of your pantry, the number of items in your pantry, and the level of detail you want to achieve with your organization project.

Things To Look For In Your Pantry Storage Containers

When you’re looking for storage containers for your pantry, it’s important to consider a few different things.

First of all, you want to make sure that the containers are durable and will last a long time. After all, you don’t want to have to replace your pantry storage every few months. Being budget-friendly doesn’t mean you have to compromise on durability.

You also want to make sure that every piece you buy is actually functional. There are a lot of gimmicky items on the market that might look amazing, but are they actually functional? Instead, spend your money on practical storage that will work for you and your family.

10+ Best Items For Pantry Organization On A Budget

Now that we’ve gone over some of the things you need to look for when you’re getting your pantry organized, it’s time to look at the top 10 budget-friendly storage solutions. As we go through this list, keep in mind all the tips we’ve covered so far and carefully evaluate which organizers will work best for your pantry, budget, and desired outcome.

1. Over-The-Door Pantry Organizer

One of the areas most overlooked areas in a pantry is the door. So many people simply focus on the space inside. However, your door can make an excellent storage space for some of your smaller pantry items with the use of an over-the-door pantry organizer.

One thing I will caution about this item is the cost. It is the most expensive item I have included in this list. However, it is one of the best storage solutions for the smaller items in your pantry like seasonings, sauces, etc. which are often one of the main culprits of a cluttered and messy pantry. So if it is in your budget, I highly recommend it!

You can get these in many different styles, and the one you choose will depend mostly on how much space you have between the door and the edge of any existing shelves. Make sure you take measurements before buying one so that you choose one that will fit.

If you have a narrow space, I recommend this one from Amazon. It’s narrow, but it is perfect for storing spices, snacks, and other small pantry items.

If you have more space to spare between the door and the edge of your existing shelves, then I recommend this organizer rack. The shelves are deeper so you can squeeze more into the baskets. Plus, the baskets are adjustable in height which allows you to customize where the baskets sit depending on what you are storing in them.

2. Airtight Food Storage Containers

The next items on our list are clear airtight food storage containers which are really useful for getting rid of all the boxes and packaging in your pantry.

Now you might be asking, what is wrong with just keeping everything in its original packaging? Let me ask you this:

  • How often do you skip buying something while at the store without realizing the box you have at home is half empty?
  • How many times have you gone into the pantry to organize it, only to find that most of the boxes and packages are actually empty?
  • Do you often find ingredients all over the floor and shelves inside your pantry because they spilled out of their packaging? (In my house, this happens all the time with things like flour, rice, cereal, etc.)

Taking the time to get everything out of its original packaging will allow you to better organize your pantry, keep it clean, and maintain a mental inventory of what ingredients you have and what you need more of. As an added bonus, these containers can also keep your food fresher for longer.

This set of clear, airtight containers from Amazon is a highly reviewed product. Plus they come with labels that will help you further help you keep your pantry organized.

Thanks to the variety of sizes that comes in this pack, you may not need any other containers. You can use these to organize your pasta, rice, and other dry ingredients like flour, sugar, and more.

3. Can Rack Organizer

Cans are one of the more cumbersome items in a pantry. They don’t always stack easily. They take up a lot of space. And they often get buried in the back where they’re overlooked and aren’t used before the expiration date.

If the struggle we just described sounds like you, then you definitely need to consider a can rack organizer.

You can either stack identical items behind one another, or you can stack grouped items together. (e.g. keep your soups together, canned vegetables together, etc.) To ensure that your can goods don’t expire, always put your newest items at the back so that you are using the oldest ones first.

4. Cereal Containers

This is one of those storage solutions that may not save you a lot of space per se, but it can help you monitor cereal levels and keep your cereal fresher for longer.

For organizing the cereal in your pantry, you can’t go wrong with these containers from Amazon. They’re a perfect size, come with labels, and even have the easy pour feature to avoid messes.

5. Snack Containers

Snacks are one of those smaller pantry items that can really get out of hand quickly if not stored properly. If you have small kids, you know they tend to have a habit of taking snacks out of their boxes and then leaving them laying around on the shelves. It can feel like it’s impossible to keep up with the mess and clutter!

These narrow, clear storage containers are perfect for getting snacks organized in your pantry. Of course, if you don’t have small kids or just aren’t much of a snacker, you can use them to organize other food items as well.

6. Lazy Susan’s

The Lazy Susan is a classic! You often see them used at the dining room table or on the kitchen countertop. But they also work amazingly well in your pantry. They’re perfect for storing oils, dressings, spices, and sauces.

This particular Lazy Susan Set is highly recommended. And if you don’t use them all in your pantry, you can use the others to organize the stuff in your kitchen cabinets or even under the sink.

7. Spice Jars

If you’re someone who still keeps their spices in the bags, pouches, or plastic shakers they come in, I highly encourage you to make the switch to spice jars. The original packaging works, for the most part. However, since different spices come in different packaging, it can often be difficult to keep everything organized. On top of that, it can be really hard to see exactly how much you have left.

These spice jars from Amazon come in a pack of 36 and include your most common spice labels for easy organization. Trust me, once you start organizing your spices this way, you’ll never want to go back!

8. Wire Baskets

If you have ample floor space in your pantry, consider adding wire baskets for bigger, bulkier items that can’t easily fit on a shelf. By placing wire baskets on the ground under the bottom shelf, you add a ton of additional storage. Plus, baskets slide in and out easily, making it a breeze when you need to clean the floors or inspect inventory levels. Typically, wire baskets are ideal for storing things like bags of flour, sugar, and extra condiments.

These wire baskets from Amazon are just the right size for most pantries. They feature a nice scooped design for ease of use and added functionality.

The wire baskets are not only functional, but they’re also incredibly durable. If however, you’re looking for a more budget-friendly option, you can also use these plastic baskets. While they are not as strong as the wire option provided above, they still provide essentially all of the same functionality at a more affordable price.

9. Mini Drawer Organizer

Drawers in a pantry can greatly enhance your pantry’s organization. This is especially true since so much space in our pantries is wasted between the shelves.

So, if adding more vertical storage in your pantry is something you want, then you can’t go wrong with this 2-pack of mini draw organizers. This will allow you to add more storage without worrying about stacking items on top of each other.

If your budget permits it, you can also spend a little bit more and get these hanging drawers. All you need to do is hook the drawer onto the shelf above, and, voila, you have added drawer space in your pantry!

10. Labels

Let’s face it, staying organized only works if the whole family commits to doing their part in keeping the pantry organized. One way you can help everyone stay the course is by adding labels. This includes adding labels to baskets and containers, but you can also add them to the edge of your shelves.

Really, any labels will do, but if you’re looking for a practical option, these labels are a great place to start. They’re easy to use and incredibly versatile. All you have to do is simply cut the label down to the desired size and adhere them to any basket, container, or shelf in the pantry.

If you would like labels that are more aesthetically pleasing, you can also use these cute chalkboard labels. They come in different shapes and sizes, plus they come with 2 chalk markers you can use to write directly on the labels.

How To Save Money On Your Pantry Storage Items

When it comes to your pantry organization project, it could be easy to overspend. But the goal here is to get organized without breaking the bank. So you might be asking, what are some additional ways I can stay on budget and save money on these items?

There are a few things you can do to stick to your budget.

  1. Keep a list of the items you want to buy, and purchase them individually as your budget permits. Think of how great your pantry will look in 6 months if you can just focus on buying a couple of pieces at a time.
  2. Focus first on the value items that will also have a big impact. This would include items like the baskets or the airtight containers mentioned above.
  3. Join my free Facebook group where I share daily deals from Amazon and other popular retailers. I frequently see all of the items included in this blog post go on sale, and I share these deals directly inside my Facebook group. So if you’re not yet a member, I highly recommend joining. You can do that here!
  4. Finally, check out one of my favorite posts 22 Legit Amazon Hacks That Save You TONS of Money. In it, I share simple, effective, often overlooked ways to save money shopping on Amazon.

I hope that this blog post has given you some ideas about how you can get your pantry organized on a budget.

And remember to create a plan from Day 1. Put together a list of the most important items you need to get organized. Choose functional, cost-effective storage units. Set your budget, and of course, stick to it!

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Nicole | Everyday Thrifty
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