6 Products That Are Always Cheaper at Aldi

by Simplify

Grocery shopping can be a big pain if you're trying to be frugal. Where do you even start? Well, Aldi is definitely a great place to embark on a frugal grocery shopping journey.

Aldi is known affordable and high-quality groceries. This budget-friendly store offers great deals on everything from fresh produce to household essentials. But what are the items you should definitely pick up at your local Aldi and why?

Aldi grocery store

We'll highlight some of the best products Aldi has to offer, along with specific price examples, so you can save money without sacrificing quality.

1. All things private-label

Aldi's private-label brands, like Simply Nature and Specially Selected, are known for their high quality and affordability. These products are often cheaper than name-brand options but just as good, if not better.

For example, a jar of Specially Selected Organic Marinara Sauce can cost as little as $1.89, compared to $3 or more for name-brand organic sauces.

2. Fresh produce

Aldi's produce section is a great place to find affordable fruits and vegetables. For example, a bag of six bell peppers often costs just $3.49, compared to $5 or more at other grocery stores.

Additionally, seasonal produce is often even cheaper. For example, in the summer, you can find watermelons for as low as $2.99 at some Aldi branches.

Vegetables in a grocery store

3. Snacks

Aldi has a great selection of snacks at affordable prices. Look for their private-label brands, which are often cheaper than name-brand options. For example, a bag of Clancy's Pretzel Sticks can cost just $0.99 at some Aldi branches, compared to $2 or more for name-brand pretzels.

4. Dairy products

Aldi offers a range of dairy products, including milk, cheese, and yogurt, at prices that are hard to beat. For example, a gallon of milk can be only $1.15, compared to $2 or more at other grocery stores. Plus, their products are free from artificial growth hormones and antibiotics.

5. Organic food

If you're looking for organic products, Aldi has you covered. Their Simply Nature line includes a variety of organic options, including produce, dairy products, and pantry staples like pasta and canned goods.

For example, a 16 oz. package of Simply Nature Organic Penne Rigate can cost just $1.09 at certain Aldi branches, compared to $2 or more for name-brand organic pasta.

Aldi Simply Nature Organic Pasta. Courtesy of Aldi.us

6. Household essentials

Aldi also offers affordable prices on household essentials, such as paper towels and cleaning supplies. For example, a four-pack of Willow 100% Recycled Paper Towels costs just $3.99, compared to $5 or more for name-brand paper towels.

Aldi Paper Towels. Courtesy of Aldi.us

We know how shopping on a budget can be challenging, but these tips and tricks for shopping smart at Aldi will save money without sacrificing quality. You can feel good about your effort to get the most out of your money!

Remember, every little bit counts, and by shopping at Aldi, you're taking a step toward financial success. So go ahead and stock up on your favorite products at Aldi, knowing that you're making a smart and savvy choice.

Note: Aldi product prices might vary slightly depending on the specific branch and US state.

Shopping at a grocery store

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This article was written using AI technology and was then heavily edited and optimized by our editorial team.

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2 of 243 comments
  • Bim121314349 Bim121314349 on Sep 02, 2024

    they used to be cheaper, but I don't find that to be the case anymore. Their produce is sometimes, not good quality and there bait ands switch advertising has led me to shop places that don't do that to customers. They are "FAMOUS" for advertising their meat specials at a really good price, but if you want any, you had better get there within an hour after they open b/c they won't restock. That is called bait and switch and it used to be outlawed in the US. They got you into the store and think you'll do your shopping there anyway.

    Last year they had standing rib roast on sale for Christmas. I got there five hours after they opened and everything was gone. I asked the manager when they would get another shipment and his answer was "next year. Every store gets one shipment of certain amount and when it is gone it is gone." I prefer not to deal with stores chains that have this practice. The local emcee of our "don't waste your money show" says that they are famous for doing this and he gets a lot of complaints about them.

  • Mpm21497824 Mpm21497824 3 days ago

    of course their prices have gone up like everyone else’s but they still beat the other supermarket chains in my area (NYC). I agree that their produce is hit or miss.
