How To Declutter Your Home Effectively Without Wasting Time

Sassy Townhouse Living
by Sassy Townhouse Living

Some may say the easiest way to declutter your home and stuff is to get rid of most of it. But the good news is you don’t have to go to drastic measures. Regardless if you own a home or live in an apartment, we all need to declutter and keep things neat and organized. But, more so, you can declutter your home without wasting time or energy. And enjoy the process too!

How To Declutter Your Home And Enjoy The Process

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Furthermore, nobody ever mentioned how much stuff you can end up collecting as you transition into adulthood. Yet, it feels like more and more items seem to add to the ever-growing pile of possessions in your home. At times, we both dread and enjoy new purchases because we have no place to put them! Well, it’s time to declutter your home and begin to enjoy the process.

Likewise, there’s a way to declutter your home and enjoy organizing and purging without headaches and stress. It’s all about following the simple process listed below. We have so many reasons to start decluttering and organizing but never seem to find the time. Whether you want to downsize, move, or are in a mess, it’s time to make a start!

1 – Creating Room In Your Home, So It’s More Livable

Typically, too many possessions in our homes can take up valuable living space. The more we own, the less space we have to move about freely. More so, this can present an issue in any home, large or small. Far worse, it spills out of the wardrobes, develops in piles on the floor, and results in less joy in our homes.

With so much clutter in your home, the place can begin to look overcrowded and feel claustrophobic. It also means you have nowhere to store anything of actual value. OK, so now we know the negatives about clutter, let’s take about the positives of decluttering.

However, if you can’t part with your possessions, you might want to invest in personal storage units. Doing so will allow you to keep your things and create room in your home without restoring to throwing things away. Plus, it will allow time for you to sort through them another day. And you can do so in a calm, stress-free manner.

Once you make room in your home, you’ll be able to see the joys when you declutter your home and enjoy the process. This type of solution works for many people and is always a viable option.

2 – Use Joyful Language When Talking About How Your Declutter Your Home

When cleaning or organizing our homes, we often use negative language when talking about the process. You know you can hear the echoes of dread when expressing the process. And all this negativity weighs heavy in our hearts and minds. So instead, use positive language when either thinking about or describing the decluttering process.

Start by saying things like, “I will declutter my bedroom today, and now I can finally make room and feel organized.” Switching up our mindset and our language makes a huge difference in the entire process. Doing so will help create joy and a healthy atmosphere for everyone to work, live and thrive.

Like anything else, negative thoughts and emotions will thrust us into dread, and as you know, nothing good comes of it. So instead, before you begin decluttering, think about the positives and how healthier your home will look and feel. Remember, the less stuff you have, the less you’ll need to declutter and organize.

3 – What You’ll Need To Start Decluttering – Preparation Plays A Part

Before you start to declutter your home, you’ll need a few basics first. But, don’t worry; it’s nothing to stress about and will make the process fluid and easier. In fact, the items listed below are essential to the process.

Five Baskets – Five Purposes:

  1. A Basket For The Things You Want To Keep – Of course, you’ll need either plastic storage bins or a baskets for the things you want to keep. You may need a few of these, depending on how much stuff you have.
  2. Donate Or Give To Friends Or Family – Here’s where you’ll want to designate a few recyle bins for things you want to donate or give away to friends and family. When sorting, think about the people in your life you know that will benefit from these things or a local charitable organization to donate them.
  3. A Large Trash Bin – Of course, you’ll need a large plastic trash bin to ditch what you don’t want or don’t need. We must learn to part with things that stopped bringing us joy.
  4. Recycle Bin – While going through what you don’t need or want, remember to recycle what you can!
  5. Repairs You Put Off – It’s a good idea to have a bin for things you want to restore or mend. For example, how many times did you shove a shirt back into the drawer intending to sow that button on or repair the zipper?

Finally, you have all the tools you need to make a start. And next, we will cover the process to declutter your home you can follow with joy!

4 – Take One Room At A Time – Don’t Overwhelm Yourself

Moving forward, you’ll want to remember to tackle one room at a time when you declutter your home. The last thing you want to do is overwhelm yourself in the process. But, in doing so, you’ll stay on task and enjoy watching each room open up and become more organized and clean.

Depending on how many rooms you have, choose the one with the most clutter to clear. For example, if you want to start with the bathroom, perform a check on things like makeup, medications, and skincare and body care products, and ditch what you don’t need.

Next, go through every drawer and cabinet and evaluate what you want to keep and what you can toss. Check expiration dates, too, and throw them out first. Remember, use your bins and keep everything you want or don’t want to organize. Don’t lose track of your progress and take all the time you need. Don’t pressure yourself and congratulate yourself on your progress.

Moving forward, you can move on to the bedrooms, closets, entryway or mudroom, foyer, kitchen, and living room. Again, taking one room at a time will ensure that you followed your process when you declutter your home. And you didn’t use negative language or thoughts along the way but rather accomplished what you thought you never could with positivity.

It’s important to declutter your home because all this stuff we don’t want or need can impact your life in many negative ways. And if you have children at home, they will learn from your examples and discover the joys of a clean and organized home.

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Easy outdoor lighting ideas are always a great place to start when beautifying our patios or backyards. And you can do it without spending a small fortune! We all want our outdoor space as beautiful as possible in the summer and all year long.

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Sassy Townhouse Living
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2 of 24 comments
  • Vicki Gehris Vicki Gehris on Nov 05, 2022

    I am doing that now, making lists of what's in drawers, closets and other places used for storage. Tedious task, but feel better knowing I can just grab my book and look where items are.

  • Timothy Irvine Timothy Irvine on Jun 27, 2023

    When I watched We Bought a Zoo, the question that stuck with me was "Keep it or let it start a new life?" Nice things sitting in new drawers need to start new lives.
