101 Items to Get Rid of With No Regret [Free Declutter List]
Ready to start going through your stuff and understanding what items to get rid of when you declutter? You’re in the right place!…
It’s sometimes so hard to get started on decluttering your home. Everything can feel like too big a job to tackle, and overwhelm sets in.
Because of this – I’ve found that starting with some “quick wins” can really help get you motivated to continue and create that drive inside you to tackle more and more.
So – I won’t keep you waiting any longer – let’s get on with the list… (and trust me, you won’t even miss these things once they’re gone!).
Your very own copy of the ‘101 Items to Declutter’ is waiting for you in the Free Printables Library. To get FREE access to the entire library simply click the button below – hope you enjoy!
1. Spare buttons from clothes that you are keeping”just in case”
3. Anything in your home that you look at and don’t like
4. Clothes that don’t fit
5. Books you’ve never read and won’t ever read!
6. Books you have read and have no intention of reading again
7. Old magazines
8. Anything that you can get the same information easily again online
9. Anything broken
10. Old bedding in the bottom of your linen cupboard that you never use
11. Baby items if you have finished having babies and your family is complete
12. Chipped or cracked crockery
13. Out of date food in the cupboards
14. Half finished craft projects that are never going to be completed
15. Toiletries you will never use (e.g hand cream/foot cream etc… from a set you got at Christmas)
16. Pens that don’t work any longer
17. 90% of what’s in the loft! (most of which you will have forgotten about!)
18. Anything that you didn’t remember was there!
19. Large items that take up too much room and could be borrowed if you ever need again
20. Anything that makes you feel sad or guilty when you look at it
Your very own copy of the ‘101 Items to Declutter’ is waiting for you in the Free Printables Library. To get FREE access to the entire library simply click the button below – hope you enjoy!
21. Clothes that don’t suit your style any longer
22. Games/jigsaws where some of the pieces are missing
23. Chargers for phones you no longer own
24. Kitchen gadgets you never use (ice cream maker was one I had and never used!)
25. Artwork that doesn’t make you happy
26. Anything that doesn’t work as well as it should (bedding that doesn’t quite fit etc…)
27. Any earrings that don’t have their partner
28. Any shoes that don’t have their partner
29. Most manuals for items you buy (you can find all the info online)
30. Scraps of wrapping paper that won’t wrap anything!
31. Anything you have a duplicate of
32. Old computers (take care to destroy the hard drive first)
33. Educational notes etc… from prior qualifications (you have the qualification now! I need to let go of my uni notes…..)
34. Any plastic carrier bags you are stockpiling (20 is probably plenty!)
35. Sports bras that have lost their hold!
36. Any mugs over the total number of people you would ever have drinking in your home in one go
37. Any glasses over the total number of people you would ever have drinking in your home in one go
38. Anything that is past it’s best in the freezer
39. Herbs and spices you never use
40. Specialist tea/coffee you never drink
41. Boxes from electronic items you have bought
42. Receipts from items you have kept and used (unless it’s the guarantee or you need to keep for accounting reasons)
43. Out of date medicines
44. Items related to hobbies you don’t do any longer
45. Socks with holes in the toes
46. Tights with ladders
47. Paint for rooms that you have since redecorated a different colour
48. Memorabilia that doesn’t hold the same value for you any longer (such as old greeting cards)
49. Projects you have been meaning to get around to for years but haven’t
50. Toys no longer played with
51. All the unneeded bits of paper/receipts etc.. in your purse and handbag
52. DVDs you’ve watched and won’t watch again
53. CDs you don’t listen to any longer
54. Anything recorded on your TV that you have been meaning to watch but haven’t for months (you aren’t likely to after that amount of time)
55. Recipe books you don’t use (you can easily find recipes online)
56. Bad photos you have had developed that you will never want to frame or put in an album
57. Cushions/pillows that have lost their plumpness (TIP – If you love the cushion then you could re-fill with a feather insert which will give it new life)
58. Any clothes that don’t flatter your shape
59. Any junk mail / old paperwork that is piling up
60. Hair products you used to use when your style was different
61. Greetings cards from past events (keep only those that are truly sentimental)
62. Ornaments that you are sick of dusting!
63. VHS tapes and audio cassettes if you haven’t anything to play them on
64. Dead plants/flowers
65. Shoes that hurt when you wear them
66. Old nail varnish / nail varnish in a colour you don’t wear any longer
67. Excess furniture (clear the room a bit and let it all breathe!)
68. Out of date newspapers
69. Used candles where the wick has worn down and can’t be lit again
70. Take away menus for places you never eat at
71. Broken or unsightly garden ornaments
72. Any clothes that no longer look their best – either worn out or misshaped
73. Any tupperware or plastic storage containers with missing lids
74. Excess baking trays / saucepans etc… in the kitchen
75. Sports equipment no longer used or that is broken
76. Childrens outside play equipment that is faded, broken or past its best
77. Outside furniture that has faded, broken, or is past its best
78. Food in cupboards that you and the family don’t like and won’t eat
79. Old calendars and diaries (unless you need to keep for accounting reasons)
80. Kids artwork (take photos or scan instead so you still have copies but less bulk) – only keep really special ones
81. Any decorating / DIY supplies that you don’t require in your home (fixtures that you have since removed, old wallpaper etc…)
82. Computer games that the children have grown out of (get them swapped at games stores for something that they will use instead)
83. Anything waiting to be returned to family/friends etc…
84. Anything waiting to go to the tip – make a few journeys and free up the space
85. Any old credit cards/debit cards/loyalty cards in your purse that you no longer need/use (cut up to ensure you can dispose of securely)
86. Out of date vouchers and deals information you have been keeping
87. Anything in your car (including the boot) that isn’t vital (so easy to forget it’s there!)
88. Excess loose change – gather it up and get it to the bank
89. People in your life that make you unhappy to be around
90. Items in your diary that you don’t enjoy doing and could say NO to
91. Everything in your junk and spam email folders
92. Digital photos on your phone or computer that aren’t any good – blurred etc…
93. Rusted/tangled jewellery beyond repair
94. Accessories that you don’t wear
95. Excess coat hangers (especially the wire ones as they don’t do your clothes any good)
96. Cuddly toys no longer loved
97. Excess serving dishes in the kitchen – think about the biggest party you’ve had and what you actually used
98. Bottles of alcohol that have only a tiny bit left in them
99. Anything lurking at the bottom of your handbag!
100. Your mind – take some time out to clear your head a little each day
101. Everything in your bins! (totally clean slate!)
Phew! – made it! – how’s your home looking now?…..
TIP – If you’re a little overwhelmed by the list, then why not print off a copy (it’s free), and get through it a bit at a time at your own pace? One item a day – for example…
Now you’ve seen the whole list – why not see how many you can find walking around your home right now…
OR you could create your own challenge by committing to decluttering just one of these items each day for the next 3 months? (write each one in your diary so you don’t forget!)
P.S. Don’t forget to grab the FREE printable checklist of all these items – so you can have fun ticking them off! – Just get access to the printables library by clicking HERE and you get this AND 50+ other great organising printables…
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I have entered this list twice and never received my password to enter lists
I have to shut down my feelings when I declutter because I can easily become a hoarder. I declutter one room at a time, starting in the bathroom. Now, I only buy when I NEED, not when I want, something. It feels good.