Clear the Clutter: 15 Things in Your Garage You Don't Really Need!

by Simplify

Hello there, fellow decluttering enthusiasts! Today we're diving into the abyss - that is, the garage! That mysterious space often becomes a dumping ground for all sorts of items, many of which you don't really need. Let's explore 15 things you might have in your garage right now that you can confidently bid farewell to, creating a more organized and functional space.

1. Expired Paint Cans

The first step to a clutter-free garage is ridding it of expired paint cans. Check the labels, and if they're past their prime, find a local recycling center that accepts them.

Old, expired paint cans definitely take up a lot of unnecessary garage space.

2. Outgrown Kids' Toys

Kids grow up fast, and their toys pile up. Donate outgrown toys to charity or pass them down to younger family members.

3. Unfinished Projects

If a project has been sitting untouched for more than a year, it's time to reevaluate. Either commit to finishing it or let it go.

4. Unused Exercise Equipment

Don't let that dusty treadmill taunt you. Sell it, donate it, or gift it to someone who will use it.

If your treadmill is just collecting dust, kick it to the curb already.

5. Broken Tools

If you've been holding onto broken tools, it's time to either fix them or toss them.

6. Duplicates

Do you have three hammers or four shovels? Keep the best and get rid of the rest.

If you have a lot of identical or very similar tools, you should consider throwing some out.

7. Old Magazines and Books

Donate, recycle, or upcycle those old magazines and books that are just collecting dust.

8. Old Electronics

Clear out old phones, computers, and other electronics. Remember to recycle them properly.

Are you really going to use those half-broken keyboards or your Nokia from 2006? We didn't think so, either.

9. Paper Clutter

Shred and recycle old receipts, warranties, and other paperwork that's no longer needed.

10. Holiday Decorations

Go through holiday decorations and only keep the ones that hold special memories or that you actually use.

Stick to the Christmas decorations you really like.

11. Old Car Parts

If you've got old car parts lying around, it's time to sell, donate, or recycle them.

12. Unused Gardening Supplies

Are you holding onto gardening supplies you never use? Pass them on to someone who will appreciate them.

13. Old Clothing and Shoes

It's time to let go of clothing and shoes that don't fit or have seen better days. Donate or recycle them.

Do you have old pairs of ratty shoes stacked somewhere even though you know you'll never wear them again? Now's the time to throw them out!

14. Unused Gardening Supplies

Are you holding onto gardening supplies you never use? Pass them on to someone who will appreciate them.

15. Miscellaneous Junk

Finally, tackle that pile of miscellaneous items that you've been holding onto "just in case." Chances are you won't miss them.

Does your garage look like this, too?

Final Thoughts

Now that you know the 15 things you can purge from your garage, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get to work! Remember, the goal is to create a functional and organized space that serves you well. Happy decluttering!

Do you dream of a minimalist, organized garage like this one? It's definitely possible!

This article was written with the assistance of AI and was then heavily edited and optimized by our editorial team.

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3 of 9 comments
  • Skr60329996 Skr60329996 on May 27, 2023

    You can get rid of duplicates except 10mm sockets. NEVER get rid of 10mm sockets. And car parts? Old car parts? Yah, not gonna happen. If your car is modded and you’ve kept the originals, you can get more money for the car.

  • Jeannette Chapman Jeannette Chapman on May 28, 2023

    Numbers 12 and 14 are the same

    • Jam33112246 Jam33112246 on Jun 01, 2023

      I saw that too Jeanette!

      I was like, "DIDN'T I JUST READ THAT?"
