How to Be Ruthless When Decluttering Clothes

If you’re working on decluttering clothes, keep reading because I’ve got a lot of experience. I thought I would share with you guys some of the most important lessons I learned while getting rid of more than 75% of my clothes. I’m hoping this will help you simplify your decluttering process.

Last year I finally decided to start a capsule wardrobe, wear all the pieces that I already owned, and be more intentional with the new pieces that I introduced to my closet. I did a huge decluttering. Now I want to reduce my collection even more. My goal is to fit all my clothes into one suitcase.

Taking time decluttering clothes

1. Take your time

I am so glad that I decided to make a separate pile for my maybe items. I put some away in storage boxes and made a donation pile. I kept these in sight and would visit them every so often to see if I missed any of them.

Decluttering doesn't always have to be done all at once, nor does it have to be extreme. The perfectionist in me struggles with this, but I learned that it's important to take time to declutter not only our clothes but anything we're trying to let go of. It takes some of the stress out of the decision-making process.

Pile of clothes to sell or donate

I made a pile of all the clothes I will sell on Poshmark. I made another pile for donations or things I’ll try to sell at a local consignment store. I emptied two of the bins filled with tank tops and smaller items, and I still have to go through my closet as well.

It's more time-consuming to have a maybe pile, put it away for a couple of months, and then come back to it. But I'm so glad that I did because I tend to change my mind. Take your time to process your thoughts and see if you miss the maybes. If you do, then it's right there. This way we have fewer regrets.

Creating a capsule wardrobe

2. Create a capsule wardrobe

I created a capsule wardrobe of my own and tried to wear only those pieces for a year. Since I live in a place where the climate is more or less the same all year round, it was actually much easier than I thought. It simplified my life. It reduced my expenses and made getting ready in the morning so much easier.

Going through clothes in a wardrobe

3. Don’t harbor negative feelings

Going through my clothes I couldn't help but feel guilty for the money and time that I had wasted. I think this feeling of guilt is what makes decluttering so exhausting. It has even held me back from actually letting go.

Decluttering clothes

Then I realized how unproductive it is to let that feeling linger and how much more important it is to just learn our lessons and move on. There were items that still had tags and some I bought on impulse, but in other instances, I actually needed to buy extra shirts or pants because I fluctuate in weight quite a lot. The point is, life happens, and there's really no reason to feel guilty about it.

How to get rid of clothes responsibly

3. Declutter responsibly

Find responsible ways to declutter. Ask a friend or family member if they want something you’re getting rid of. You can also sell it to someone who will actually love it, or donate it to the right charity in need. This way, decluttering will not lead to being wasteful or losing money. It becomes more of a process of making sure items get used and end up with the people who will need them.

How to declutter clothes

4. Embrace your newfound freedom

After three different sessions of decluttering, I think I got rid of about 75% of my clothes. At first, I really struggled to part ways with some of my favorite items that I couldn't fit into my suitcase, but now that time has passed, I don't miss any of them. I realize that having a compact and curated wardrobe has given me something greater in return, and that is freedom.

It has given me the freedom to be content with what I already have and the freedom to easily uproot and go anywhere I want at any time. I feel like every decluttering session is such an eye-opener because it makes me realize that things are just things. Clothes are just clothes. We are the ones who attach emotions and purpose to them.

Packing everything into one suitcase

I managed to pack everything I own into one suitcase, except for a couple of pieces that I took out so that I can wear them for the next couple of weeks. Other than that, I'm really surprised that everything fits. I'm going to try to close it up and start cleaning the closet.

How to be ruthless when decluttering clothes

5. Make it a practice

The biggest lesson I learned is that letting go is not just an act. It's a lifestyle. It's building a habit of taking inventory of your life every so often and taking note of when something or someone is no longer serving you. It’s a muscle that requires regular exercise.

Clutter forms when we're not sure of what we want or need in our lives. Decluttering is the opposite. It's going through the process of elimination to get closer to knowing what we want in our lives. Decluttering, minimalism, or any system or philosophy isn’t what improves our lives. We improve it by taking action.

How to be ruthless when decluttering clothes

I hope that this inspired you to maybe do some spring cleaning of your own. Look through your own closet and see what you have fallen out of love with. Take note of what you've moved on from or don’t need anymore. You may be surprised by how much freedom and peace of mind this process can bring.

Join the conversation
  • Jean Jean on Jun 15, 2023

    No , but it is very cute to see the results!

  • Alice Alice on Jun 24, 2023

    I'm truly a clothes and shoes person. To much clutter and I am now decluttering my home and closet as well.
