20 Things I No Longer Buy as a Minimalist

Minimalism is all about reducing the number of items within your home so that it’s manageable, full of only things that you love so you can make the most out of your space. It’s about simple, intentional living. Here are 20 things I no longer buy as a minimalist.

Over the last couple of years, I’ve become more minimalistic in my approach to everyday life and realize there are now things I don’t or won’t consider buying anymore because they are wasteful, or aren’t purposeful or worthwhile to me.

That way, I can save money so that I can spend money on more important things for me.

1. Duplicate items

This means I don’t buy similar items such as clothing or kitchen utensils, for example. It’s about reducing the number of items you have.

So when I’m buying things, I am very conscious about whether or not I already have something that does the same job or if am I buying it to replace something I can get rid of.

2. Things I can’t afford

I’m quite realistic with my budget. I don’t have very much and I know what is realistic for me. I can’t buy a piece of furniture or a piece of clothing that costs a lot of money. Instead, I spend within my budget. I only think about things I can afford.

If I want to buy a bigger ticket item that costs more money or travel, then I will save up first before I buy. I don’t ever think of borrowing money because I live within my means.

3. Things I can borrow

I no longer buy things that I can borrow. If I need tools for a project, I’ll see if I can borrow them first before I consider purchasing them. I think it’s wasteful to buy an item you’re not really going to use, store, or maintain.

I will give a gesture, like paying or giving a thank you gift to the person who has lent me the item. I’m not going above my means for an item I don’t really need.

Buying secondhand

4. Items I could buy second-hand

If I am looking to purchase something, I will see if I can get something decent second-hand. You lose value as soon as you buy something brand new.

Even with a phone or television, I try to buy a second-hand replacement that is as close to new as possible so I am not paying out unnecessarily on the item. I just don’t see the value of spending a ton of money on something new when I can buy something that still works fine from someone else.

5. Trendy clothing

Whatever clothing I buy needs to have longevity in my wardrobe, good quality, and be versatile enough to serve a multitude of purposes for different occasions.

6. New gadgets and phones

I don’t buy the latest and greatest items–older models are fine and I’ll use them until they die. I don’t feel the need to keep upgrading.

7. Magazines and newspapers

There’s no point anymore since I can access everything online. All the materials are a waste of resources and space. I don’t need a subject-specific magazine, for example.

Home decor items

8. Home decor items

I used to collect knick-knacks all the time, but no longer. These things would go on a shelf and I’d never clean them because I never wanted to move the items to clean them!

9. Bank fees

I make sure my bank account comes with incentives (like cash back) and no bank fees. I don’t want to pay fees for benefits I never use.

10. Apps

I will never pay for an app. I don’t see the value or point in paying for an app when I can get a free version, even if it’s a limited version. I don’t do everything on my phone, anyhow, so paid apps aren’t worth it to me.

11. Alcohol

I don’t really drink so I don’t see the point in buying it. I tend to be gifted with alcohol so I do have some that I can offer guests.

12. Calendars

I rely on my phone calendar now and don’t need a paper copy that I won’t look at every day.


13. Souvenirs

If I’m on holiday, I will only buy a nice piece of art if I see something I love. But I no longer buy keyrings, knick-knacks, or ornaments when traveling.

14. Things that won’t last

Quality over quantity is more important to me. Buying quality means I won’t have to keep buying things over and over again because it breaks.

15. Gym memberships

I prefer walking and practical sports and activities, like yoga, but there’s no point in a gym membership investment.

16. Seasonal decorations

I don’t need to buy new decorations every year. I use the same things yearly to save money. And, I don’t always change how my home looks from season to season.

17. Face creams

Fancy face creams are not worth it to me. I have sensitive skin so simpler is better for me, such as a basic moisturizer.

Things I no longer buy as a minimalist

18. Phone accessories

I don’t have an endless supply of phone cases, and the one I have is made to last.

19. Furniture

I won’t waste money on new furniture unless I have to replace something.

20. Single-use items

I don’t buy items like plastic cutlery that can only be used for one occasion.

Things I no longer buy as a minimalist

Those are the 20 things I no longer buy as a minimalist. I wonder if there are any items that you have stopped buying? I’d love to know if you have similar thoughts so let me know in the comments.

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