A Starter's Guide to Mindful Minimalism

Minimalism is so much more than having a clean house with little to no clutter. It is an entire lifestyle that includes everything from home décor to fashion. It is a process that you can embrace to simplify and declutter your life, and while the term brings to mind images of stark white living rooms and closets containing only black, white and gray clothing, it can be adapted to suit you and your lifestyle.

Minimalism doesn’t have to be extreme. You don’t have to get rid of everything you own and eliminate all traces of color from your life!

Those are false perceptions. In reality, it is about changing your life and creating habits that align with your personal beliefs and values so you can live a happy life that is full of intention.

Owning less “stuff” is a big part of it, but it also involves being mindful about the things you bring into your life and what you keep. Instead of surrounding yourself with more and more stuff and clutter, minimalism teaches you to keep things simple and own only the things you truly love.

If you are interested in learning more about minimalism and how you can apply it to your own life, you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading to learn more!

Getting Started with Minimalism: Identify Your “Why”

Minimalism is more than just a design aesthetic. It is a lifestyle change, so it is important to identify your “why” before you start purging all your excess stuff. Your why is like your own personal North Star. It guides you through the process and helps you stay on track even when you struggle.

  • Is all the clutter in your office making it difficult for you to focus on work?
  • Do you struggle to enjoy being home with your family because you are surrounded by so much excess stuff?
  • Are you tired of struggling to find the things you need because they’re buried under all the things you don’t?
  • Maybe you just want to simplify your life a bit and feel less stressed.

There is no right or wrong reason to embrace minimalism. Dig deep and figure out your personal why and it will help guide you through the process.

Creating Minimalist Habits to Live By

Once you’ve identified your why, you need to start creating habits to live by. Consider things like what your life looks like now and how you would like it to look. Be mindful of how your life makes you feel.

  • Does your current life make you feel depressed?
  • Are you constantly buying more “stuff” to try to fill a void only to find yourself getting frustrated by all the excess clutter?
  • How would a minimalist lifestyle help?

Think about what will keep you motivated and help you meet your goals. If you are constantly bringing home new clothes, you might want to consider giving yourself a shopping ban. Another option would be to implement a “one in, one out” rule to keep yourself from accumulating more.

Create rules that work for you. They are your rules and no one else’s. It is essential to create ones that you can live with and stick to if you want to successfully change your life.

Starting Small with Minimalism

For most people, switching to a minimalist lifestyle isn’t something that happens overnight. In fact, doing something like throwing all your extra possessions in a dumpster can be a traumatic experience that ends up leading you to buy even more. Instead, allow yourself to start small. Making small, mindful changes is much less stressful, and this approach is more likely to result in long-term success.

There are several ways to start small. You could go through your closet and fill a bag with old clothing to donate or clean out your makeup drawer to get rid of all those expired beauty products. Go through your collection of books and donate a stack to your local library. Even cleaning out your fridge can be a step toward simplifying your life.

Doing a Deep Declutter

Once you’ve figured out your why, created a few rules, and gotten comfortable with small changes, it is time to start doing some deep decluttering. Start sorting through the things that may be more difficult to get rid of. As you go through things, think about whether you really need them or if they contribute to your life in a positive way.

Your closet is a good place to do a deep declutter.

If you spend hours getting ready each morning because you can’t find anything you want to wear in your full closet, decluttering can make your morning routine a lot easier. Get rid of anything that you haven’t worn in the last few months. Have a skirt or a top that doesn’t match anything you own? Get rid of it.

If you are able to do so and want to fully embrace a minimalist lifestyle, purge your entire closet and invest in a brand-new wardrobe with pieces that all coordinate with each other. Neutral cotton t-shirts and basic colors work well for this.

Make minimalism yours

Minimalism is a way of life and it can be customized to meet your personal style and preferences. Embracing mindful minimalism means letting go of the excess stuff that is taking up space in virtually every corner of your home.

It also means letting go of the thoughts and beliefs cluttering your brain telling you that you have to keep those things. From the clothes you wear to the way you decorate your home to the number of office supplies you have on your desk, minimalism can touch every aspect of your life.

Learn how you can embrace a warm, colorful, AND minimalist home!

How to Create a Joyful, Warm Minimalist Lifestyle

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Pam | Mindful Decluttering & Organizing
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