Top Tips For Living a Simple Life & Finding Peace

by Simplify

Living a simple life can bring you a sense of peace you didn’t even realize you needed. Designing a simplified life brings you closer to yourself. Simplicity helps you identify what you truly love and value.

To help yourself design a simplified life, start with some soul searching. Ask yourself what is truly important to you and why. Most of the things we find important can be distilled into core values and beliefs.

We all want financial stability, but why? The money itself is not what we value. We value what we think it will provide for us. It usually comes down to a desire to eliminate feelings of stress and pressure.

Remove the noise from your life. We are inundated with media and advertisements convincing us we need more. Don’t get distracted by what other people think you need. Get in touch with the deepest parts of yourself and avoid outside influences.

Living a simple life

Create space for yourself. When you’re surrounded by simplicity it’s easier to achieve inner simplicity. This might mean reducing the clutter in your home, but if you’re not up to that stage there are other things you can do.

Putting yourself in a simple natural space, like a quiet forest or in front of a scenic view will give your mind the space it needs to find some clarity.

Living a simple life

Living an organized and simple life might sound boring. We can get drawn to tension and drama. We can also get caught up in all the excess that exists around us.

Though it might be challenging, finding our way to a simpler life will provide a sense of peace and relief that will enable us to experience more joy and satisfaction.

For more simple living ideas, discover 10 spring cleaning ideas to make your home (and life) lighter or this guide on how to reset and declutter your stuff.

To see more videos, check out the Mia Danielle YouTube channel.

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  • Maria Maria on May 06, 2023

    Hello Beautiful!! I have always loved simplicity, living a simpler life regardless of what others thought. It has provided a sense of peace and joy, very important to me. Living a simple life, boring?? No, that's actually living and enjoying life. Thank you for sharing. Sending you love and hugs across the distance.

  • Sheila hoffman Sheila hoffman on Apr 14, 2024

    I was raised in the simple life. All I ever needed. Was supplied by. Who grew up during the depression. We were happy. And. Well fed. By parents. Who. Knew how to. Make do. Same as most of my friends families.

    • Sheila hoffman Sheila hoffman on Apr 14, 2024

      Remember. People. The library. Is a wealth. Of. Learning and. Recreation. I liked the foxfire series.
