What is Minimalism & What Are the Benefits & Drawbacks?

by Simplify

After having helped thousands of women achieve minimalism, Dawn, The Minimal Mom, answers basic questions about minimalism. She asks, “What is minimalism? What are its benefits and drawbacks? Why can it be hard to achieve?” These are her answers to basic minimalism questions.

What is minimalism?

According to well-known minimalist, Joshua Becker, minimalism is “The initial promotion of the things we most value and the removal of anything that distracts us from it.”

In simpler terms, minimalism allows us to rid ourselves of our excesses to focus on what’s important and to find happiness, fulfillment, and freedom. Items are just tools, so if they aren’t useful, or don’t make our lives better, there’s no reason to hang onto them.

What are the benefits of minimalism?

  • Less stuff to manage
  • Less stress
  • Less discontent
  • More free time
  • The opportunity to discover your purpose or mission (because you have more time and fewer distractions)
  • The ability to focus on your health
  • A more environmentally-friendly lifestyle
  • Less pressure to keep up with the neighbors
  • Less time spent looking for lost items
  • Less money spent replacing things
  • Increased productivity
  • Increased happiness
  • Increased creativity
  • Less cleaning to manage
  • An easier time cleaning up
  • Greater well-being
  • Better sleep
  • More time to volunteer
  • Job flexibility (because you don’t need to earn as much)
  • Housing flexibility (you don’t need as much space)
  • An easier time inviting over guests and entertaining
  • A more peaceful home
  • Improved relationships.
  • If you are the type of person who values a clean home and puts a lot of pressure on yourself, you may end up feeling like a better wife and mother after going minimalist
Living a minimalist lifestyle

What are the drawbacks of minimalism?

  • You might not have an item when you need it
  • You can make a mistake and declutter the wrong thing
  • Others may criticize your lifestyle
  • Gift-giving can be more awkward and maybe require more creativity
  • It can be physically and emotionally draining
  • Minimalism forces us to confront our buying habits

Living a minimalist lifestyle doesn’t have to mean that you are roughing it or living in a stark, empty home. Minimalist homes can be warm, cozy, and relaxing.

How would you describe the drawbacks and benefits of a minimalist lifestyle? What makes it worthwhile for you to live minimally? Leave a comment and let us know.

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