What is the Use It or Lose It Principle in Minimalism?

by Simplify

The use it or lose it principle is very effective when trying to live a minimalist life. When you are accustomed to living a consumerist lifestyle, as many of us are, you accumulate many possessions.

Making the move towards minimalism demands the purging of unnecessary possessions. Deciding what to keep and what to purge is a challenge. The use it or lose it principle can aid in the decision-making process.

Many of us have random items like tiny hotel shampoos or ketchup packets taking up space in our homes. It’s hard to resist free stuff. We get extra condiments with our takeout food and throw them in our drawers with the intention of using them.

Know yourself. If you are the type of person who uses up these items then there’s no issue. Most of us end up using the bigger bottles of shampoo or ketchup while the other stuff clutters our space because we think we might use them someday.

We all get stuck holding onto things we think we’ll use someday. Whether it’s camping supplies or a fancy pair of shoes, we keep things we don’t get regular use from, just in case they’ll come in handy someday.

Use it or lose it

To help make decisions regarding ‘someday’ items, ask yourself if you would pay a monthly fee to store these things. If the answer is no, let it go. Whatever it is, it can be replaced if need be.

Our stuff is made to be used, not to be put in storage or on display. Getting your inventory down to only items we actually use will make life easier. The cost of keeping stuff and not using it is huge. Maintaining and managing all that stuff weighs down on us. If you don’t use it, it’s time to lose it.

Use it or lose it

For more decluttering ideas, discover the stuff you don't need to keep in your garage or the lessons she learned during 8 years of minimalism.

To see more videos, check out The Minimalist Mom YouTube channel.

Join the conversation
  • Julie Green Julie Green on May 21, 2023

    good thought , use it etc, what about keepsakes of those that have passed family etc??

  • Angie Price Angie Price on May 22, 2023

    Donate the small bottles of shampoo, lotion or soap to a women's shelter. They will use them.
