How We Get Water to Our Off-grid Homestead

Fy Nyth
by Fy Nyth

I went to do a quick video because I had a question the other day. I was asked “how does a well work?” and what happens if the power is out and the well pump won't run. This is a perfect time to answer that since I've had to deal with that now.

I was chipping down the ice so you could get a bucket under there again, and because the platform right there where you stand had gotten built up a bit, I'm still on top of a lot of snow here on the packed path.

Where do we get our water?

I'm addressing these kinds of things today. We actually don't have a well.

Getting water off the grid

We have a hydrant where all of our water currently comes from. 

Our water does not come from a well; it comes from a spring a couple of miles up the mountain. You can't see it at all because of the snow drifts and can't even see it in the summer from here because of the fold of the hills.

As long as gravity works and pulls things downhill, water will come out of there. Because of that, we don't have a well, and it works regardless of power. That was one of the main things that we really loved about this property when we decided to purchase it this place. 

Staying off the grid

Getting our water from a spring has some pros and cons, but water is essential to life, and so is having everything else work without power. Recently we did run power into my husband's shop, where it does some more luxury things, but everything in our house is still off-grid.

We don't have any intention of having anything that's important to life, ever requiring electricity to run. We can heat, cook, eat, drink, and go to the bathroom with no power.

The hydrant in the winter

The reason I've had to chip ice around here, I think, is this is about an average snowpack for this time of year for us, but we have had below-average temperatures, so we've had ice buildup in places. It's not usually a problem where you get like a trip or two when you fill a bucket at the hydrant.

How we get water to our homestead

It built up to where I couldn't get a five-gallon bucket under there anymore. I used the ice scraper and chipped that down a good bit. That should last hopefully the rest of the year now because that is the first time I've done that.

How we get water to our homestead

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