How to Let Things Go: 5 Things You Need to Get Rid Of Now
If you’re looking to live a more minimalist life it’s important to learn how to let things go. Getting rid of stuff is never easy. It takes time and consideration. But there are certain things that are clearly a waste of space and need to go.
Start with those easy decisions to help get you in the habit of letting things go, following the lead from Mia Danielle.
Teflon pans are a great example of something that should be easy to get rid of. Teflon is a PTFE product, which means it’s made up of PFAS. PFAS is a toxic non-biodegradable chemical that most Americans unfortunately already have in their blood.
Teflon is tempting to buy because it’s cheap, but a lot of people don’t realize how bad it is for us. The bottoms of the pans get scraped and that releases even more of those bad chemicals. Getting rid of materials that are putting toxic chemicals into your bloodstream, increasing risks like cancer, should be a no-brainer.
Let go of your filing cabinet. Filing cabinets may have been practical back in the day, but we are in the digital age now. We don’t need hard copies of most documents like we once did. Use a binder for the few documents you need. This will save you space and make paperwork simpler.
If you’re still holding on to printed photos, consider digitizing. Printed photos are simply not necessary these days. You can get a digital frame and keep all of your photos in one compact, easy-to-manage device.
We hold onto so many things unnecessarily. We keep books we’ve already read and all sorts of things we no longer use. Seeing those things lying around filling our spaces is weighing us down. It’s time to toss the obvious waste with which we clutter our homes.
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I just purchased a cordless handheld waterpik and like it. Not everyone likes/uses the same things. I watched a dentist on YouTube who said some people don't have the hand dexterity to use floss. Maybe you should have titled your video "5 Things I Got Rid Of."
Pictures belong in photo albums. It's easier to share them and they're easily accessed.
Putting them on a CD or other electronic devices is a sure way to loose them because technology changes so much.
I have family pictures from the 1800s. There is NO way they will be digitized.