50 Things to Throw Away for Instant Decluttering
Decluttering feels like I’m organizing my values. By letting go of unnecessary things, ideas, and people, we’re making room for what's truly essential. Still, decluttering isn’t as easy as it looks.
When decluttering, you don’t need to get rid of sentimental objects. Always try to use something up, recycle it, or donate it; use throwing away items as a last resort. If something is at the end of its usability, throw it away. It may be tough to let go, but you’ll feel so light once it’s done. Here are 50 things to declutter.
1. Photo frames
I wanted to dedicate a whole wall to making a gallery. but didn’t end up liking it. I saved the cute pictures and am getting rid of the rest.
2. Vases
I have a ton of vases. I think they are beautiful, but they don’t hold anything and serve no purpose. I’m definitely donating a lot of them.
3. Dead plants
I get really attached to my plants, so it's difficult to get rid of them, even if they are wilting or dying.
4. Old candles
I used to love scented candles. But, now, I have a different opinion about them. The scent is overwhelming and smells artificial.
5. Essential oils
I was gifted a pack of essential oils but don’t use most of them.
6. Old magazines
Did you ever collect old magazines for vision boards and inspiration? I haven’t done that in forever, so, I’m donating some so they can inspire others.
7. CDs, DVDs, and vinyls
I haven’t had a CD or DVD player in forever. I do have vinyls, but I only really listen to some.
8. Extra notebooks
If you like stationary as I do, you know how difficult this one is. I’ve collected free notebooks from work and conferences, that I never end up using.
9. Books you don’t read
It's difficult for me to give up my books, but I don’t have space in my house to store the ones I don’t read.
10. College textbooks
There are so many ways to learn nowadays.
11. Extra earphones
I have so many pairs. I need to let some of them go.
12. Miscellaneous chargers and cords
Random cords really stress me out. I put them in a pile somewhere and it just gets forgotten.
13. Original packaging
I hate the idea of throwing away the beautifully designed package, but I really have no use for it.
14. Camera and laptop accessories
My camera came with so many attachments and accessories I don’t use.
15. Warranties and instruction manuals
I have all the information online. There’s really no need to keep a paper copy.
16. Old credit cards and checkbooks
Shred them and forget about them.
17. Receipts
Are you going to be returning that item anytime soon? If the answer is no, then it’s time to let go.
18. Blurry photos
I have no use for blurry or unimportant photos.
19. Board games
Are you missing pieces from board and card games and haven’t played them in a while? There’s no sense in keeping them around.
20. Craft supplies
If you had a hobby in the past, and have the equipment for it, but haven’t touched them in a while, it’s time to let go.
21. Old keys
Sort and throw away what you don’t need.
22. Foreign currency
We haven’t touched foreign currency from our travels in forever. Unless you will use it at a later date, it’s time to exchange it.
23. Exercise equipment
Exercise equipment that you are not using.
24. Outdoor toys
This applies to outdoor hobby supplies (basketballs, soccer balls, roller skates, etc…) that you enjoyed in the past, but no longer actively do.
25. Old gadgets or toys
If you have outgrown or upgraded, it is time to throw out the old ones.
26. Pet and kid toys
Don’t forget about your furry friends and your children. They also need to declutter their toys.
27. Repair pieces
Repair pieces for things you don’t have
28. Cheap hangers
I used to keep the hangers that came with new clothes until I noticed they only last a couple of months.
29. Old sheets
My animal shelter will take the flat sheets, but not the fitted ones.
30. Blankets
Same with blankets, as well.
31. Unused watches
I didn’t want to use my phone for telling time so I got a watch that I never used.
32. Clothes that don’t fit
You are never going to reach for those clothes that don’t fit you anymore. If they don’t fit your body or lifestyle, it’s time to donate them.
33. Fancy outfits
It doesn’t fit my lifestyle anymore. I recently donated my wedding dress.
34. Uncomfortable shoes
This is something I really won’t miss.
35. Free t-shirts
I keep no more than one or two free shirts from promotions, work, or charity events, in case I need to paint or do dirty yard work.
36. Swag gifts and branded merchandise
I used to collect those free swag items you get in the mail or from charity events, because who doesn’t like free stuff.
37. Unwanted gifts
This can be difficult because we associate it with the person and thought behind the gift. But, if it’s no longer serving a purpose in our life, it has no space in our life.
38. Old bags
Old totes and backpacks that you’re not using.
39. Nearly empty bottles
The best thing to do is use it up, or, if you won’t use it for a while, just throw it away.
40. Travel-sized toiletries
Get rid of it. If you need one, you can always buy it for two or three dollars.
41. Old toiletries
They probably do you more harm than good.
42. Expired medicine
If you have expired medicine or medicine that you aren’t taking anymore, you can throw it away.
43. Old cooking tools and appliances
We all have our favorites and our go-to’s.
44. Duplicates
Choose the one you always reach for, and get rid of the rest.
45. Expired food items
46. Jars and containers without lids
They are impractical.
47. Extra kitchen items
We just have two sets for two people.
48. Old spices
49. Empty food containers
I used to collect cookie jars and fancy takeout boxes, but I’m definitely going to get rid of some.
50. Anything else you can think of!
Things to declutter
I’ve learned the biggest lesson of all — be intentional with your purchases. I hope you found these 50 things to declutter helpful. Let me know in the comments if I missed anything.
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Goodwill happily take old hangersa even the plastic ones from new clothes.
Our homeless shelter is always thrilled to take travel size toiletries and boxes of tampons or kotex (even if open box). I'm blessed that we have a local reuse/recycle company that excepts and resales craft supplies, ribbon, stationary, magazines, vases, and cookie tins, buttons etc. A local church childs ministry took old puzzels ,paints, egg cartons and plastic easter egg for arts and craft . I stock paper plates, napkins and plastic silverware in old popcorn tins. When there is a funeral I grab a popcorn tin of paper /plastic goods and leave with the family along with a sack of a few extra roll of toilet paper, paper towels, xlarge trash bags and ziplock bags or foil. It has alway been well received and used to store left over food or with extra house guest during the funeral. Include a few plastic serving spoons or tongs if you can from dollar store. I made these tins afer I had 6 funerals in 8 weeks during covid and multiple trips to the store for the family during the funeral dinners and was to tired to cook food for the family. You could use left over cookie tins to make smaller sets for a sick friend or new mom.
Great ideas!