How to Stop Impulse Buying & Save Money Through Minimalism

by Simplify

Candice, from Simplify This Life, says that she used to be a complete shopaholic. From buying products out of sheer boredom to picking up items she didn’t need left and right, Candice’s old shopping habits were entirely without limits, she spent way too much money, and she even cluttered up her home in the process.

But these days, she enjoys showing others how to stop impulse buying and start living a much simpler lifestyle. Here's how.

To begin with, Candice answers the question, what is impulse buying exactly? And, according to her, most of what plays into impulse buying is mental. So, the good news is that it’s possible to avoid impulse buying just by changing some of your habits.

To do this, Candice recommends unsubscribing from emails, canceling credit cards, shopping with cash, avoiding sales sections at the store, maintaining a needs vs. wants list, and setting up spending freezes throughout the year. Doing these things are a great place to start while you’re learning how to control impulsive buying.

Wondering how to stop impulse buying long-term? Candice says you need to realize that your brain is hardwired to be a hunter-gatherer, so it’s only natural to crave that hit of dopamine every time you shop. And realizing that you don’t live in a hunter-gatherer society will actually help you eliminate your scarcity mindset.

How to stop impulse buying

How to stop impulse buying

Lastly, understanding that every item you own either gives something to you or takes something away from you will help you stop impulse buying for good. Because everything you buy now will eventually become an item you decide to declutter in the future.

And the more time and energy you spend decluttering your home on a regular basis, the more intentional you’ll become while you’re learning how to stop impulse buying once and for all.

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2 of 29 comments
  • Muhammad Faezin Muhammad Faezin on May 14, 2024

    This is a very good article. It inspires to live within your means. All of my shopping needs are done on a computer with timeless researched before buying it.

  • Abd31939837 Abd31939837 on Aug 25, 2024

    Excellent ideas.less visits to malls to see what's in sale

    A mere discount shouldn't be the reason to buy.ask u need them or the end frugality is essence of life and more and more are embracing it with sheer joy
