10 Surprising Ways to Use Clorox Bleach

by Simplify

Welcome, DIY enthusiasts, homemakers, and cleaning aficionados!

You probably have a jug of Clorox bleach stashed away in your cleaning arsenal. But did you know that this powerhouse product can do more than just keep your whites bright and your surfaces sanitized? Yes, really!

Today, we're taking you on a ride of 10 unexpected ways to utilize Clorox bleach that will revolutionize your cleaning routine.

Clorox bleach on the shelves

Image credit: familyhandyman.com

10. Brighten Grout and Tiles

Tired of dingy grout lines and lackluster tiles? Fear not!

Mix a solution of one part Clorox bleach to three parts water, apply it to your grout lines, and let it sit for a few minutes. Watch as the bleach works its magic, lifting away stubborn stains and restoring your grout to its former glory.

Cleaning grout has never been easier!

9. Revive White Sneakers

Say goodbye to grimy sneakers and hello to pristine kicks! Create a bleach solution by diluting one tablespoon of Clorox bleach in one cup of water. Dip a toothbrush or another gentle brush into the solution and gently scrub away dirt and stains from your white sneakers. Rinse thoroughly with water, and voila – your sneakers will look brand new!

Your sneakers will look lovely after this treatment!

8. Banish Mildew from Shower Curtains

Mildew-ridden shower curtains can be a real eyesore. But with Clorox bleach, you can bid farewell to mildew once and for all! Simply toss your shower curtain into the washing machine with detergent and half a cup of Clorox bleach. Run a gentle cycle, and marvel at the mold-free results.

Bleach will work great on an old shower curtain!

Image credit: abetterwaytothrive.com

7. Whiten Yellowed Plastic

Over time, white plastic items like laundry baskets and storage bins can start to yellow. Luckily, Clorox bleach is here to save the day!

Fill a basin with water and add a splash of bleach. Submerge your yellowed plastic items for a few hours, then rinse thoroughly. Say hello to bright, white plastics once again!

Get your yellowed plastic (garden) furniture white with bleach!

6. Disinfect Garden Tools

Keep your gardening tools clean and free from harmful bacteria with the power of Clorox bleach.

Mix one part bleach with nine parts water in a bucket, then soak your tools for 10-15 minutes. Rinse well and allow them to air dry before using. Your garden will thank you!

Gardening tools

5. Remove Coffee and Tea Stains from Mugs

Are your favorite mugs plagued by stubborn coffee or tea stains? Fear not – Clorox bleach is here to rescue them!

Fill your sink with water and add a tablespoon of bleach. Let your stained mugs soak for 15-20 minutes, then wash as usual. Say goodbye to unsightly stains and hello to pristine mugs!

Say goodbye to stained mugs!

Image credit: removeallstains.com

4. Sanitize Children's Toys

Children's toys are breeding grounds for germs and bacteria. Keep your little ones safe and healthy by regularly sanitizing their toys with Clorox bleach.

Simply mix one tablespoon of bleach with one gallon of water, wipe down the toys with the solution, and allow them to air dry. Peace of mind has never been easier!

Note: Be careful to use this on more sensitive materials like wood, as bleach might alter their colors.

Children's toys

3. Brighten Dingy White Linens

Restore the brilliance of your white linens with the brightening power of Clorox bleach. Add half a cup of bleach to your laundry along with your regular detergent, then wash as usual. Say goodbye to dingy whites and hello to fresh, crisp linens!

Add Clorox to your next load for perfectly white linens!

Image credit: prettyprovidence.com

2. Clean and Disinfect Trash Cans

Trash cans can harbor unpleasant odors and harmful bacteria. Keep them clean and odor-free with Clorox bleach!

Simply dilute one cup of bleach in one gallon of water, then use a sponge or brush to scrub the interior of your trash cans. Rinse thoroughly and allow them to air dry before use.

Get rid of funky-smelling trash cans with bleach

1. Refresh Cutting Boards

Cutting boards are kitchen essentials, but they can also harbor harmful bacteria if not properly cleaned. Sanitize and deodorize your cutting boards with Clorox bleach! Create a solution of one tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water, then soak your cutting boards for a few minutes. Rinse well and air dry before use.

Cutting board

Image credit: etsy.com


There you have it – 10 unexpected ways to unleash the power of Clorox bleach in your home! From brightening whites to sanitizing surfaces, the possibilities are endless with this versatile cleaning staple.

Go ahead, get creative, and let Clorox bleach revolutionize your cleaning routine today!

Clorox: Your new go-to household solution!

Image credit: cominguprosestheblog.com

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