8 Budget-Friendly Vinegar Hacks For Cleaning Your Home

Brittany | Simply This
by Brittany | Simply This

I’m going to show you creative uses for vinegar around the house that you've never thought of. These vinegar hacks have made my life a lot easier, and I’m sure they’ll do the same for you.

Vinegar cleaning hacks

Vinegar cleaning hacks

I start by filling a water bottle or a spray bottle with white vinegar. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and the less watered down it is, the better it works. 

How to clean a kitchen with vinegar

1. How to clean a kitchen with vinegar

I use vinegar to disinfect my countertops and my cutting board. Vinegar is safe to use around food so that gives me reassurance that it’s fine to use on counters and in areas where I prepare food.

Vinegar home hacks

How to clean a bathroom with vinegar

2. How to clean a bathroom with vinegar

I use pure vinegar in my bathroom to clean around the sink area. Its acidic properties help to get tough grime off the sink. I’ll use an old toothbrush to get into hard-to-reach areas. I’ll spray the vinegar directly on the bristles.

How to use vinegar in laundry

3. How to use vinegar in laundry

I add vinegar into the softener spot on my washing machine to act as a disinfectant and a softener, and to fight off odors, especially from my baby’s spit-up.

Cleaning a coffee pot with vinegar

How to clean a coffee pot with vinegar

4. How to clean a coffee pot with vinegar

I use a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and water and run it through a normal cycle as if I were making a pot of coffee. I put four cups of vinegar in the pot, and four cups of water. Just brew it normally (without the coffee, of course).

The vinegar removes grime and coffee grounds. After it brews, I dump the mixture down my sink so the vinegar can clean the drain, as well. After running the 50/50 mixture, I run a second cycle with just a full pot of water to make sure all the vinegar and grime are rinsed out of the system. 

Using vinegar as weed killer

How to kill weeds with vinegar

5. How to kill weeds with vinegar

Vinegar is a great non-toxic weed killer. It will take longer to kill the weeds than a chemical weed killer but I like to use it around areas where my kids play, such as around the sandbox. Two days after spraying, it can kill weeds.

How to clean car windows with vinegar

6. How to clean car windows with vinegar

Vinegar can cut through the adhesive left from window decals. Use a napkin saturated with vinegar to wipe off the decals. Don’t let the vinegar or napkin get on the paint of your car because you don’t want the vinegar to affect the car’s paint.

Washing apples with vinegar

How to sanitize fruit with vinegar

7. How to sanitize fruit with vinegar

Use vinegar to sanitize fresh fruits and vegetables when you get them home from the store. I use one tablespoon of white vinegar per cup of water and mix it up. I’ll put the mix in a bowl, then put the fruit and vegetables in for a few minutes. I’ll swish them around, then use a strainer to drain them. I’ll let them air-dry on a towel.

Steam cleaning a microwave

How to clean a microwave with vinegar

8. How to clean a microwave with vinegar

I use vinegar to steam clean my microwave. I use a quarter cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water microwaved on high for 5 minutes. I use a sponge to clean the microwave. It’s easy to wipe down and everything is clean and sanitized from the mixture.

Vinegar hacks

I hope you liked my vinegar home hacks! And don’t worry, the smell of vinegar dissipates in a few minutes after using it. If you have more vinegar cleaning hacks that you love to use, please leave a comment below.

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2 of 54 comments
  • Mie77755894 Mie77755894 on Jun 24, 2024

    Vinegar in the loo overnight to descale and after shampooing your hair to restore pH of the sclap- don't forget to close your eyes tight and rinse well

  • Mra111351097 Mra111351097 on Jul 13, 2024

    I’ve used vinegar to clean up pet stains on carpeting. Blot with 50/50 mix of vinegar & water. Let dry before vacuuming. It also sanitizes and removes smells.
