Easy 3-Step Daily Home Reset

There is so much power when we start our day with a daily home reset. Not only does my house stay picked up and clean, but I also find myself to be much more productive with my day.

The home reset is a group of three daily home tasks I do every single morning to jumpstart the day.

Once you start, you’ll never go back because your day will become so much more purposeful.

Making bed

1. Making your bed

At a commencement speech he gave at the University of Texas, Admiral William McRaven talked about the importance of making your bed every day.

He said if you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. It’s that simple, mundane, daily task that jumpstarts your day.

When you do one task and complete it, it requires you to start another task, which leads you to complete that task and start another one.

By the end of the day, you’ve completed so many tasks all because you first started off your day by making your bed.    

Doing laundry

2. Do a small load of laundry daily

Doing a small load of laundry every single day will completely change your life. No longer will you have an overwhelming pile of laundry staring you in the face waiting for you to start it.

At the end of the day, I make sure that one load of laundry has been done and put away. It’s a simple task and worth doing.

Cleaning kitchen

3. Clean the kitchen after every meal

Get the kitchen cleaned up from breakfast, lunch, and dinner to keep the mess from piling up. Your kitchen will always be clean that way!

Daily home reset

These daily home cleaning tasks will help you live a more relaxed life. And they are so very easy.

I don’t leave the house in the morning until these little mundane tasks are done so that when I come home from running errands, my home is calm.

So practice the home reset and your life will surely change for the better. I promise, it’s just the little mundane tasks that help us to be more purposeful with your day.

Do you think that this will help you calm down your day? What other little mundane tasks would you include in your personal home reset? Let us know in the comments!

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2 of 9 comments
  • Lor8280374 Lor8280374 on Jul 19, 2023

    Took me a while to learn this. Making the bed seemed not worth the effort because I would be getting back in at night. Wrong. It is so nice to walk into a bedroom with the bed made and the room neat. Very calming. I now do everything you suggested.

  • Jan63444337 Jan63444337 on Jul 20, 2023

    yes I will try that
