How to Simplify Your Life: 7 Easy Steps to Take

Connie Riet
by Connie Riet

I'm a simple person who likes living a simple life. Of course, there are times when life is difficult, and sometimes, life throws curve balls at us. It's not always easy. Let's face it, life is rarely all rainbows and unicorns.

So, today, I’m giving my best advice on how to simplify your life and enjoy it more.

How can we simplify our lives with everything we have going on? It’s much easier than you may think. Here are 7 ways to simplify your life with just the right amount of effort starting today:


1. Make life easier

In many situations, it's not that my life is necessarily complicated; it’s the way I'm handling life that makes it more complicated.

To simplify life sometimes means adding things in to make it easier, but I've noticed that sometimes eliminating things can also simplify your life tremendously, making it that much easier.


2. Stop over-complicating things

Sometimes I can fall into a pattern of making life far more complicated than it actually needs to be. Maybe it's the idea that if something is complicated, it must be better than something that is simple.


A complicated workout routine with a personal trainer must be better than simply moving my body daily.

Spending time in nature

A complex diet with restrictions based on calorie intake must be better and healthier for me than simply eating whole foods that are nutritionally dense along with a ton of fruits and vegetables.

Spending time in nature

An intricate 20-step, color-coded productivity plan will somehow make me more productive than simply focusing on the top three things to accomplish for that day.

Spending time in nature

When things are overly complicated, I become overwhelmed and frustrated with the whole process and usually quit. For me, the name of the game is to keep it simple. The simpler, the better.

Spending time in nature

3. Do less

There is a silent pressure within me that's always urging me to do more. And I don't know if this comes from society, and then just I internalized it, or if it's something that's always been within me.


But no matter how hard I try, that silent nagging feeling to do more is never very far away.

Spending time in nature

Even with a brain injury where my physical and mental stamina is reduced significantly, I still have to fight against that internal whisper to do more. I gently remind myself to accept where I am and what I'm doing today. There is no need to continually pile on more things to do.

Spending time in nature

I mean, there's no award for the person who does the most. The times when I have taken on more than I could, I was frantic, exhausted, overwhelmed, and eventually burned out. My mantra to quiet the nagging voice within is that I'm doing enough and I'm okay with that.


4. Stop overthinking

Like many of us, I can get caught up in overthinking and excessive analysis, which leads me to either take on everything all at once, which never works out or do nothing because I'm paralyzed by analysis paralysis.

Overthinking makes life more complicated. When I obsess about a decision that needs to be made or things that need to be accomplished, I become frustrated and stressed out.

Spending time in nature

Life is filled with decisions from simple things like what to wear that day or what to cook for dinner or big life-changing choices like changing a career or traveling the world. The more I overthink things, the more muddy my thoughts become, making it difficult to see a clear solution.

Spending time in nature

Fortunately, I have a trick to prevent overthinking.

If the decision is not a life-changing choice, I give myself a 30-second time limit to make a choice. This saves me so much time and energy throughout the day.

As I sit, looking out onto the ocean, surrounded by nature, I am humbled. An acknowledgment that the world around me and Mother Nature is perfect without me trying to interfere.


5. Eliminate controlling behavior

It's exhausting to try to control every situation and outcome. Understanding that control is merely an illusion is freeing. Life is unpredictable, and there are countless factors beyond my control.

Spending time in nature

6. Accept imperfections

Accepting this truth helps me to be more open to accepting imperfections in myself, in others, and in the world. I embrace self-compassion, treat myself with kindness, and understand that I'm only human and that making mistakes or encountering imperfections is perfectly natural.

I give myself grace, and I treat myself with the kind of empathy and compassion that I would give a good friend in the same situation.

Spending time in nature

7. Let go

I'm at peace by accepting that life will continue to move forward regardless of my interference. By simply letting go of the need to try to control my entire world and all situations and outcomes, I am so much happier and more at peace.

How to simplify your life

How to simplify your life

I hope these 7 tips show you how to simplify your life from this point forward. This is your life and you get to live it the best way you know how. Share your favorite piece of advice for living a fulfilling life in the comments down below.

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