9 Hacks to Simplify Your Life Today
I want to share some of my favorite tips on how to simplify your life. One thing I try to embrace in my life is keeping things simple. It allows me to appreciate more and worry less.
Maintaining vigilant practices around simple living has allowed me to distill down some ideas for practices that will help you simplify your life.
1. Turn off notifications
Turn off all unnecessary notifications on your phone, computer, iPad, and watch.
Notifications can become very disruptive in our daily lives and pull us away from being present in the moment.
Turning off notifications can help you live a simpler life by reducing the amount of information that is coming at you daily.
2. Do one thing at a time
As a society, we’ve come to love multitasking. We don’t realize how much this exhausts our brains.
I’ve noticed that when I give my undivided attention to one thing, whether it’s a conversation with my daughter, or work I’m doing, I am more present and get more done. I am more productive when I focus on one thing at a time.
3. List 3 daily goals
I used to make long to-do lists. I found I could never achieve every goal on my list and this would leave me feeling discouraged at the end of the day.
By focusing on the 3 most important things I need to get done that day, I actually get more done and I feel good about myself.
4. Reuse and repurpose
I try to reuse and repurpose as many items as I can. Not only does this eliminate waste, it also helps me live more mindfully. It also helps with minimalism because I’m reducing the amount of things that I bring into my house and consume.
I’m a huge fan of mason jars, so I reuse those a lot. I use them for drinking, storage, and saving things. I also have a hobby of refurbishing and upscaling furniture. It’s so gratifying to give new life to old things.
5. Declutter and organize
Even though I’m a minimalist, it’s pretty amazing how many items find their way into my home. I declutter once every couple of months, just getting rid of old clothes, or books I don’t need anymore.
I also love to organize because it brings me a sense of calm and peace when I know where everything is and it’s not just in chaos.
6. Simplify your space
This is more of a personal choice depending on how you like to decorate. I find it very comforting to have very simplistic decorations.
I’ll have 1 picture on a table, 1 candle, and a vase of fresh flowers. I find the simpler my décor is, the calmer my mind is.
7. Multi-use products
I make a lot of my own household cleaning items. I use vinegar, alcohol, cornstarch, and baking soda, and I will mix up my own window cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, and dusting spray. Even if you can just buy a multi-surface cleaner, it really helps eliminate and minimize the products you’re using and purchasing.
There are products like Dr Bronner’s soap that has 18 uses. You can use it for cleaning, laundry, hand soap, and shampoo, just to name a few uses. Products like this keep things simple and minimize the amount of bottles that can end up cluttering your space.
8. Morning routine
Having a morning routine helps eliminate decisions we don’t need to be bothered with.
I love my morning routine. It has brought me so much joy over the years. Carving out and making time for my well-being, emotionally, physically, and mentally every day, makes me a more relaxed and happier person.
9. Enjoy the day
Do things you enjoy, and have fun with it. All work and no play make us very stressed out and overwhelmed. Taking time to recharge and rejuvenate by enjoying life makes a huge difference.
How to simplify your life
Simplify life to bring yourself more peace and happiness. It is the best thing you can do for yourself. I hope you enjoyed learning my tips for ways to simplify your life.
What are some of the things that you do to simplify your life and live minimally? Please share in the comments section so we can learn from each other.
Next, check out my My Minimalist Tips for Decluttering.
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