13 Upcoming Food Shortages in 2023 You Should Know About

by Simplify

The media has been hyping food shortages in 2023. Are these shortages real? What can you do about them?

Apparently, the drought in the United States has affected the cows and there may be beef shortages. This isn’t a huge worry. The drought has basically ended and anyways beef isn’t essential. You can eat chicken, fish, or even beans. It’s unlikely there will be a beef shortage, but if it gets expensive, just eat less.

Lettuce is also predicted to rise in price due to disease. However, lettuce is super easy to grow. You can grow it in a tub on a porch or patio for super cheap.

Beer and champagne are also predicted food shortages in 2023, due to aluminum shortages. Neither are necessities. Just cut them out of your diet.

Because of rain and disease, oranges have risen in price. However, they are still relatively inexpensive and will keep literally forever. Stock up now, while they are still on sale, and store them in a refrigerator. If there is storage, you can also replace oranges with vitamin C pills.

Many cooking oils have their products grown in Russia or Ukraine. If you can’t find or afford cooking oils, use lard or shortening. Or save and reuse bacon grease. Same with butter, which may become more expensive due to labor shortages.

Empty grocery store shelves

The corn crop is down 9%, but that’s not really significant enough to cause serious issues. However, eggs have doubled in price due to bird flu. Still, you can get 18 eggs for $8 and make four or five meals out of those, so they are still cheap food.

Tomatoes are also suffering from the drought (which has already ended). Try growing your own. You can freeze or dehydrate them, or even can them as well.

Wheat harvests are down, but only by a little. It’s not an emergency by any stretch. However, bread prices are way up. Learn to make your own bread.

Food shortages in 2023

There are some upcoming food shortages in 2023, but none are emergencies. Most, you can stockpile or make on your own. What food prices have you seen go up at your local groceries? Let us know in the comments.

For more budget shopping tips, discover the top money-saving Aldi tips or how to make recipes using just your pantry.

To see more videos, check out the Living On A Dime YouTube channel.

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  • Kali Kali on May 21, 2023

    I grew up that way. Several neighbors would buy a side of pork of beef and share it. It requires someone with some knowledge and a sharp knife to part it. Usually there was a little party at the end where all the little cuts were used for some fantastic stew,

  • Susan Miller Susan Miller on May 29, 2023

    Thanks 😊
