23 Simple, Minimalist & Mindful Habits to Change Your Life
Minimalism means simplifying every aspect of our lives. These minimalist habits helped me become more grounded, calmer, and kinder to myself and others. I want to share these 23 mindful habits that changed my life in all areas.
1. Sleep early
I used to stay up until midnight; now, I do my best to be in bed by 08:00 pm. Read an inspirational book to wind down.
2. Wake early
I have been getting into the habit of waking before sunrise, and it feels great. Sleeping at 9:00 pm and waking at 5:30 pm gives me enough sleep, so I feel refreshed and energized.
3. Self-care
I spend the first hour waking up on me time. This helps to put me in the right headspace each day. It includes doing an oil massage, which helps to lubricate my bones and joints.
4. Frugal self-care
Self-care habits don't need to be expensive. I use coconut oil for my morning massage, yoga, meditate, and I drink inexpensive organic tea daily.
5. Spend less
Another way I practice minimalism is by creating more and buying or spending less. We have been spending less and buying more whole foods to make healthier meals for less.
6. Mindful eating
I used to eat my meals while watching TV or scrolling mindlessly on my phone. I changed that habit and have been practicing mindful eating. It allows me to appreciate my food even more.
7. Meal prep
I would eat many processed and unhealthy foods when my work day was hectic. I do meal prep the day before, saving me from consuming heavily processed foods.
8. Focus
Multitasking is not only counterproductive, but it is stressful. It is much healthier to focus on one task, get it done, then move on to the next task. It is also an excellent way to stay grounded as we check things off our to-do list.
9. Prioritize
I used to pile my day with dozens of tasks on my to-do list, leaving me feeling stressed. Instead, I now list the top four or five things that need to be done and cannot wait for another day.
10. Take breaks
We all need time to relax after putting so much time and energy into something. A break can be as simple as going for a walk or doing some stretching exercises.
11. Declutter
When we keep only those things that speak to our heart and discard all the rest, we cannot only tidy up and eliminate the mess in our home, but it also helps us decide what things we spend our time, energy, and money on.
12. Minimize commitments
I used to struggle with saying no to clients who wanted me to finish an urgent task during weekends or when my day was overloaded. There's nothing wrong with politely turning down a favor or request if you have a lot on your plate for the day.
13. Slow down
I used to rush in everything I did, whether it was eating, taking a shower, cooking, etc. I have been practicing slowing down and being in the moment, so I don't miss a thing.
14. Read a book
Another way I practice minimalism is by reading a book daily. I read books that contribute to my peace and well-being. It is a good use of my time, keeps me centered, and nourishes my spirit.
15. Be authentic
My mind used to be cluttered with negative thoughts and emotions. I could not accept myself and wanted to be someone I was not. By being authentic, we lived by our values and with integrity.
16. Be intentional
For me, minimalism means being intentional with our decisions and actions. It's being intentional with what we purchase so we can minimize waste. It is practicing kindness not only to ourselves but also to the planet.
17. Take care of your future
The best way to take care of the future is to take care of the present moment. After all, there may not be a future if we just allow ourselves and the planet to wither and die.
18. Unplug
I had the habit of grabbing my phone, turning the TV on, and just zoning out. I have found it healthier and more beneficial to my body, mind, and spirit to lay down, close my eyes and take deep breaths after a hectic day of work.
19. Gratitude
Around us, life bursts with miracles to be grateful for—a glass of water, a ray of sunshine, a leaf, laughter, and raindrops. If we live in awareness, it is easy to see miracles everywhere.
20. Take time for family and friends
Our loved ones will not always be here. Make time for them and give them our presence. It's good to check in with ourselves daily and ask if I have time and energy for people I value in my life.
21. Take yourself less seriously
We feel heavy and weighed down by many things when we take everything seriously, including ourselves. When we let go of control and embrace life, our days become easier instead of a constant tug of war between reality and expectation.
22. Forgive the past
Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. We cannot be free if we still cling to anything, such as anger, anxiety, or possessions in our hearts.
23. Live in the present
Decluttering and eliminating non essential possessions allow us to regain the freedom to live our lives in the present moment. We can live in the moment more fully, happily, and peacefully.
Mindful habits
I hope you try some of the mindful habits I mentioned. You'll find yourself more relaxed, at peace, and living in the present. All of these were life-changing habits for me; I hope you have the same result.
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After reading your article I realized I was doing exactly the same rushing around a million miles an hour. Eating fast, multi tasking. And I realise yes your right. I know take me time in my garden between jobs so relaxing, decluttered so haven't so much to clean and tidy up. Thankyou for shareing your life days. Ann (ENGLAND) ❤️
i got a good laugh when, after all your lovely wisdom, the first comment out of the box was 'can you send me the recipe for flat bread'