20 Things I No Longer Buy to Save Money

by Lizzy

I want to tell you about the 20 things I no longer buy.

Many people are struggling with money right now, so I think it’s important that we all share strategies for saving.

Temptation is all around us and we live in a world of excess. If we can learn to resist temptation and avoid excess to focus on the essentials, we will be in a much better position both financially and emotionally.

Washing hands

1. Hand soap

We no longer buy hand soap. Instead, we started using cheap shampoo. We purchase a large bottle and use that.

It bubbles up well and creates as many suds as hand soap. It also doesn’t dry your skin the way hand soap does.

Shampoo has to be more delicate and have a better PH balance, so it doesn't sting when it goes into the eyes. That’s why it’s more gentle on the skin.


2. Souvenirs

We no longer buy souvenirs when we go on vacation.

Buying a bunch of postcards and key chains that will just end up cluttering the house is a waste of time and space. Instead, we capture our memories with photos.


3. Takeout coffee

The coffee at the cafes is overpriced. We make ours at home.

We had the initial investment of a grinder and a French press and we buy fresh beans. But we make delicious rich coffee for a fraction of the price.


4. Music, movies, and books

We no longer buy music, movies, or books. We use the local library to get books and DVDs.

We use YouTube for music videos, audiobooks, and even full-length films and TV shows.


5. No more freebies

This isn’t actually a purchase. It’s more related to reducing clutter. I no longer sign up for freebies on the internet.

Half the time I signed up they never came. When they did come they were tiny, single-use packets that use a lot of plastic and create a lot of waste.

I wasn’t really using them and they became a waste of time and space.

Paper towels

6. Paper towels

Even though paper towels can be quite convenient, we don’t really need them.

Instead, we use non-disposable towels and just throw them in the laundry. We save money and reduce waste.

Fruit and veg

7. Fruits and veggies in shrink-wrapped plastic

The produce wrapped in plastic is more expensive. They also trap moisture causing the produce to go bad quicker. It’s just unnecessary.


8. Sweets and candy for the kids

I stopped buying sweets for my daughter. I give her a weekly allowance. If she decides to use it on candy, that’s fine.

She gets to decide whether to spend her allowance on sweets, clothes, or video games. This saves us money and helps her learn budgeting skills.

Washable cotton pads

9. Cotton balls

We no longer buy cotton balls. Whether it’s for removing nail polish, or makeup, I use washable cotton pads.

They’re easy to wash and work just as well.


10. Magazines

I used to love buying some glossy magazines once a month, sitting down with some snacks, and enjoying flicking through the pages.

Then I decided it was not worth the money. I can find everything in the magazines online, plus more.

Dog eating carrot

11. Dog treats

Dog treats can be quite expensive and you never really know what they’re made of.

We started giving the dogs carrots and they love it. We also put peanut butter in hollow bones and that keeps them happy.

Air fryer

12. Kitchen gadgets

I will not be buying any more kitchen gadgets. We’ve got a steamer, a microwave, and a toaster oven. We have plenty of pots and pans.

I was tempted to buy an air fryer but I just couldn't justify the expense.

Potting plants

13. Houseplants

I no longer buy houseplants. I either take some flowers from the garden or take cuttings from the garden plants for propagation.

I love aloe because it’s so easy to take care of and make new plants from. It’s convenient for healing burns and wounds.

Cleaning products

14. Glass and window cleaners

I don’t buy ready-made glass and window cleaners anymore. Those products are full of chemicals and they’re expensive.

Instead, I use a mixture of %50 white vinegar and %50 water. That cleans all the glass surfaces.

Adding fabric softener

15. Fabric softener

Instead of using fabric softener, I use small amounts of vinegar.

I put it in towards the end of the wash and it makes the fabrics incredibly soft. It does not leave a vinegar smell once the fabric dries.

Shaving cream

16. Shaving cream

Shaving cream is an unnecessary expense. Instead of buying shaving cream I now use a shaving brush.

I just brush it back and forth on a bar of soap with a little bit of water and that provides enough foam.


17. Expensive creams and lotions

I started making my own remedies using things like tea tree oil.

Instead of facial scrubs, I just drop a couple of tabs of soluble aspirin mixed in with a little bit of cream. Coconut oil makes a great moisturizer.


18. Bread

I stopped buying bread. My husband and I only eat gluten-free, and it’s so expensive to buy. We’ve started to make our own with a base of oats.


19. Cereals

Most cereals have high amounts of sugar and are very expensive.

Instead, we buy oats and have them as porridge or add raisins, crushed nuts, and pumpkin seeds to make our own muesli. It’s healthier and more affordable.

Online shopping

20. Fast fashion

We don’t buy clothes or products from cheap apps. They’re terrible quality and, by the time you add up all the prices and the shipping fee, you end up spending a lot of money.

If we truly need something we look for good quality, 2nd hand items or make one-time high-quality purchases.

20 things I no longer buy

I hope sharing this list was helpful and gives you some ideas of ways to save.

What items are you no longer buying to save money? Leave a comment so we can help each other save.  

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 1 comment
  • James James on Jun 30, 2023

    Love the shampoo as hand soap. It also eliminates soap scum.

    simplifying is easy. Think! Do I really need more stuff?

    Very little is needed to make a happy life.
