How to Create Multiple Streams of Income in Your 20s & Beyond

I will be sharing with you how to create multiple income streams in your 20s. Creating multiple streams of income is smart at any age, but starting in your 20s helps you to take advantage of the amount of time you have to grow your income. Read on for the ten ways I earn multiple streams of income.

1. Full-time job

The very first stream of income that I have, which is also the most significant, is my full-time job. Unlike a lot of entrepreneurs or personal finance gurus on YouTube, I don't hate the idea of having a nine-to-five job.

I work as a corporate recruiter at a very large tech company, and unlike what many people may think, nine to five jobs can be flexible. I am pretty much permanently remote. I have flexible hours, which allows me to focus on some of my other side hustles and passion projects.

A nine-to-five job can be a great way to build wealth and financial security.

Multiple streams of income ideas

2. Coaching business

The second stream of income is my coaching business. I launched my career coaching business a little over a year ago. My coaching business is now officially my largest and highest paying side hustle out of all my side hustles.

I help people with career-related topics such as resume reviews, portfolio reviews, and interview coaching. I have both long-term and short-term clients, depending on their needs.

3. Consulting

Next on my list of multiple income streams is my consulting gigs. I do consulting gigs for career boot camps, universities, and educational organizations. I do the same thing as I do in my coaching business. The only difference is that those people are not my clients, which means I get a little bit less. The nice thing is that I don't have to worry about client follow-ups, billing invoices, etc., which takes a lot of the busy work out of the way.

Side hustle ideas from home

4. YouTube videos

Then the next thing on my list is YouTube. I'm honestly so excited even to be mentioning YouTube because it's always been my dream to make money on YouTube and get paid as a content creator. After all, YouTube does take a lot of time and effort.

I recently made several videos describing how I monetized YouTube. To be concise, I started making money through YouTube AdSense earlier this year.

My AdSense revenue has been growing consistently every month, which is all that matters to me now. Making money on YouTube has been super exciting.

Online side hustles to make money

5. Online courses

Next on my list of multiple streams of income is my course sales revenue. About a year ago, I launched my very first online course. I've been selling it on Udemy and Skill Success. Selling my online course has been a great way to make passive income.

Again, not a ton of money yet, but it is paying some of my bills, so that's also been super exciting. If you want to start making passive income, selling your online course could be a great way to make that extra passive income because even though I put a lot of effort into making it a year ago, I haven't done much work since then.

Passive income streams

6. Digital product sales

The next thing I do to make money is also one of my sources of passive income: selling digital products that are not online courses.

I've been selling resume templates both on Etsy and on my website. I put some time into creating my products and launching my stores, but so far, people have just been casually purchasing my products, and I've been making extra money every month.

7. Speaking engagements

My next stream of income is speaking engagements. The way it works

is that I get invited to speak at different events once in a while. Usually, I work with different boot camps, like educational boot camps and universities.

I know that another big reason people want me to come and speak at the events is the company I work for. Many of these companies want me to talk about the hiring practices at the company that I work for, which is not exactly something I'm comfortable sharing. I try to be careful and picky about what kind of events I go to and what topics people want me to speak about. Speaking engagements can be an excellent way to make extra money, get exposure, and network with the right people.

8. Investments

We are almost to the end, but the next one is my investment portfolio Income. Many of us know this is one of the best passive income sources, so I've been investing money since I graduated from college and got my first corporate job.

I use Robinhood as my central investing platform. I invest in index funds and individual stocks, and my 401K and my Roth IRA.

Finally, I have my Fundrise portfolio because I wanted to diversify my portfolio a little bit and start investing in real estate. It's a great way to invest in real estate without spending too much money.

9. Brand deals

My ninth source of income is brand deals. I've landed brand deals on LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube, which has been great. The fact that brands are willing to collaborate with me and pay me to promote them has been very exciting.

Brand deals are one of the great ways that many influencers make money.

10. Affiliate Marketing

Last but not least is affiliate marketing. This one is very straightforward. I only do affiliate marketing with products, services, and platforms I've tried before and like. I include many affiliate links in my YouTube description and sometimes on my Instagram. Again, this is a very easy and straightforward way to make money.

How to create multiple streams of income in your 20s

I hope I've given you ideas to get started on making multiple streams of income and how to make passive income. With a bit of work and perseverance, you can create multiple income streams in your 20s and beyond.

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