Our Story: Why We Are Living in a Tiny House

Once Upon a Tiny Farm
by Once Upon a Tiny Farm

Our story may give you an idea about why tiny houses are becoming popular. This is our backstory about why we love living in a tiny house. Yes, we know we are crazy for living in such a small space with a toddler, but there are great reasons why we decided to buy a tiny house in Pennsylvania. Here’s how we ended up here.


1. An unclear path

Ten years ago I graduated college with no clear path or idea of what I wanted to do with my life. I started wondering why I was doing these things I really didn’t want to do and what was making me so unhappy.


2. Bouncing around

I bounced from job to job until I had enough of the daily grind and traveled solo to Mexico. It was one of the best decisions I ever made. There I learned to embrace the value and inner peace that comes from slowing down and living intentionally. When I came home a couple of months later, I met Stephanie.

Finding a partner

3. Things began to move quickly

I quickly realized how easy life can be when you find the right partner to share your life with. Things started to move very fast, we started to build the life that we wanted for ourselves. And, the life we wanted for ourselves involved us living on our own and out of our parent’s basement.

Buying land for a tiny house

4. Finding our property

But we were stuck with student loan debt and low-paying jobs. So we decided to pursue a path slightly different than the norm. We were so happy to find this property because it had all of the hookups we needed for our tiny house.

But we also knew we’d have to remove an old mobile home to make room for the tiny house. It sounded easy in our minds but it ended up being more work than we ever imagined.

Building a tiny house

5. Building our house … and family

Living in a tiny house with a toddler

But eventually we got it all done and created our own little haven we now call home. And just when we thought we had tiny house living all figured out, our daughter Lucy came along and created some new challenges for us. 

Living on less in a tiny house

6. Scaling back expenses

We scaled back our expenses to the max. I was even able to leave my job to stay at home to care for our daughter. We are living on one small income thanks to this tiny house. I’m proud of that because we created this life we wanted for ourselves with hard work and dedication. I want to show others they can do it, too.

Living in a tiny house

7. Living on less

Even though it is actually the opposite of what we’re taught from a young age, the truth is you can live a happy life with less stuff and less money. A lot less, actually.

And that doesn’t mean you have to do something as drastic as this–living in a tiny house. You could also try living in an RV or a van or maybe just live in a smaller house or apartment than you’re accustomed to.

Or, simply stop the needless spending on all those things that the commercials and everyone is telling you to buy. You just don’t need it and in fact, you’re probably better off without it. And at the end of the day, you could live arguably a better life with less. And I want to share different ways and strategies so you can do that.

Growing carrots on a homestead

8. The beginning of a homestead?

Our main goal here is to become as self-sufficient as possible and we are going to attempt to do that by growing more of our food and building a lot of things on our own to save money as we attempt the never-ending process of becoming debt-free.

I will be the first to admit that we honestly don’t know what we’re doing most of the time. But I don’t think that should stop anyone from going after what they want. We’re all learning as we go. We’ll be sharing our successes as well as our mistakes along the way.

And maybe one day we’ll even reach the point that we can call ourselves an actual homestead.

Building and making things

9. Knowing we’re capable of more

I don’t know about you guys but I spent the majority of my life limiting myself, basically telling myself “You can’t do that” or “Don’t even bother.” I never really knew what I was capable of yet I had this thing bottled up inside me that was screaming to get out and show the world it had more to offer.

But then something happened in the past year when my grandmother suddenly passed away and it really hit me hard. Who really knows how much time we have left in this world? Everything can be taken away from us at any moment.

Living in a tiny house

Life is short so don’t waste any more time stuck in those negative thought patterns. Get out there and make some magic happen. And let us know in the comments what you think about living in a tiny house.

Do you think you could live in a tiny house? Please share your thoughts.

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2 of 4 comments
  • Phy70853327 Phy70853327 on Jul 06, 2023

    Thanks for sharing your experience. I would love to try it if I was younger.

    Good luck to both of you.

  • Cel34620694 Cel34620694 on Jul 07, 2023

    Truly inspirational, I bet you are all much happier than many people who have all the money they want. Be true to yourselves and enjoy every minute as none of us know how long we have. Enjoy your life and love your family and everything else will fall into place , your Grandmother is so proud of you.
