How to Save Money at the Garden Nursery

Looking for ways to save money at the garden nursery? Here are three ways to get more bang for your buck when buying plants.

Fall gardening is the best time of year to work in the beds and a great time to plant next year’s garden.

But did you also know that autumn is a great time to save money in the garden too?

Here’s how.

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How to Save Money at the Garden Nursery

Because gardening is my passion, I am always looking to save money when I shop at the garden nursery.

And the savings can be huge if you time it right!

Tip Number 1 – Buy Stock in Mid-Late October.

I’ve mentioned it before and will say it again: mid-late October is the best time to find deals on plants and flowers.

Nurseries mark down their stock by 40% and sometimes 50% to move it before winter.

So if you are looking to plant more perennials, shrubs, and trees, hold of buying them until October.

Sure the pickins might be slimmer, but you’ll save a ton of money on plants.

Not to mention, it’s much easier to establish plants in the garden when you plant in the fall.

Tip Number 2 – Buy Pansies in Fall

While you might not see an immediate return on the investment, when you buy pansies in fall, they will return in spring.

So instead of purchasing pansies twice, once in spring – once in fall, only buy them in fall because if left in the ground, they will overwinter and bounce back in spring.

While there are so many colors to choose from, pick pansies that will look good in both fall and in spring.

I typically gravitate to yellows and purples because they not only look great in fall, but also look beautiful with my spring flowers.

Tip Number 3 – Choose Spring Annuals That Will Carry Into Fall

This is a tip that applies more to spring than fall and is similar to what I just mentioned about how to purchase pansies in fall.

When you shop for spring annuals, choose colors that will not only look amazing in spring, but also look good in fall.

You’ll need to buy less fall annuals if your spring annuals can carry the fall load too.

Marigolds, superwave petunias and euphorbias are great for this because the colors transition well between the seasons

Not to mention the plants look great from spring through fall.

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Stacy Ling | Bricks 'n Blooms
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