6 Types of House Clutter & How to Declutter Them

by Simplify

Kallie Branciforte, creator of But First, Coffee, has come up with 6 different kinds of house clutter that tends to make us lose momentum whenever we’re working on a large decluttering project at home. She says that each of these types of clutter requires spending mental energy on them, which is why she’s come up with helpful tips to help us get rid of these items once and for all.

First up on Kallie’s 6 categories of clutter list is what she calls ‘I don’t want to waste it clutter.’ Basically, any item you’re holding onto simply because throwing it away feels wasteful would fit into this category.

Next up on Kallie’s 6 different types of clutter that many of us struggle to get rid of list is something she calls ‘aspirational clutter.’ The aspirational clutter category encompasses anything we’re holding onto for some future version of ourselves.

The third type of house clutter Kallie has identified is ‘incompleted clutter.’ In other words, they’re items from incomplete projects that simply need to get completed already.

The fourth item on her house clutter to focus on list is ‘just might need it clutter.’ In essence, this category includes any household items you hold onto just because you might need them in the future.

Types of clutter in the house

The fifth house clutter category Kallie targets is ‘sentimental clutter.’ Sentimental clutter typically has no practical purpose, but we have an emotional attachment to these items anyways.

And the last type of house clutter we should be on the lookout for, according to Kallie, is ‘gifted inherited clutter.’ Items in this category include anything that has been given to us so we feel like we have to keep it forever.

Types of house clutter

By looking specifically for the types of house clutter Kallie mentions, we’ll all be better able to get our house in order.

For more decluttering ideas, discover how to reduce visual clutter around your home and 15 things to declutter in your bathroom.

To see more videos, check out the But First, Coffee YouTube channel.

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3 of 4 comments
  • M M on Sep 26, 2022

    Read your list and agree with every item except future version of myself. At 74, this is my future version. LOL Any suggestions on getting rid of inherited/emotional clutter? I know my kids don't want any of it, but some things are at least 100 years old and I can't just throw it out.

    • DONNA GREGG DONNA GREGG on Oct 20, 2022

      Ask one of your children/grandchildren if they will post your items on Let Go, Etsy, or any website that encourages getting rid of “stuff”. You may even make a few dollars.

  • Kay Kay on Oct 17, 2022

    Where is the part about how to get rid of these types of clutter? That's the part I have trouble with!
