How to Make Money With Bottle Drop & the Best Way to Redeem It

Today I'm going to share with you a quick tip and an easy way to make some extra side cash. I'm going to share with you my Bottle Drop expedition today. It will help you put aside money for groceries, gas, Christmas, or whatever it is.

Maybe you have financial goals, you need to pay off debt, you want to build up your emergency funds, or just need your basic needs provided for.

Bottle Drop center

Bottle Drop center

I'm dropping off a whole bunch of bags that I'm picking up from my family and my parents. They have a property and so they always have bottles. So I pick them up, drop them off, and then I put the money I earn aside. 

Filled Bottle Drop bags

Filled Bottle Drop bags

These are the bags that I have. I've got six bags right here. What I did was I put all of the bottles in there and then tied them up really well because otherwise, the bottles will drop out. 

Then you want to put on the little tags. For the tags, you can just get these once you create an account with Bottle Drop or whatever facility you have, you can just go in and grab those little tags, you pop them on, and then you're going to go ahead and put them into the drop door, and I will show you that next. 

Drop Door for Bottle Drop

Drop Door for Bottle Drop

So here is the Drop Door. What you'll do is then go ahead and put the bags in this drop door and then once they collect them, they will go ahead and count up the bottles and cans. What I was able to get from my bottles, I had dropped off about six or seven bags and then also two big bags, and was able to get $59 from those bags. 

Up program

What I'm going to do is I'm going to do the Bottle Drop Redemption and do the Up program that they have. So you get $0.12 versus $0.10 per bottle. Then I will redeem that at Fred Meyer’s and use them for gas and groceries.

I might also purchase a gift card as I'm preparing for Christmas. So I will set that gift card aside, put it in my cash envelope for Christmas, and then I'll probably do a $25 gift card. 

How to make money with Bottle Drop

So these are just a couple of easy ways to make side money with bottles. You think you just kind of throw them in the garbage, but they really do add up quickly. 

I thought I'd share a quick tidbit on how to set aside some extra cash by using Bottle Drop. Maybe you're short on cash and need groceries or gas money. You want to buy a gift card, you want to pay off debt, or build up your emergency fund. 

What is your financial goal? Put a comment down below. I would love to hear from you.

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2 of 17 comments
  • Bec125566873 Bec125566873 on Sep 30, 2024

    Is there a bottle Drop in Cincinnati Ohio?

  • Cra115534192 Cra115534192 on Sep 30, 2024

    We do the same in our town but ours are redeemed by weight and we are paid in cash. We get about $40 a month. Besides our recycling, we pick up bottles/cans we come across in the street as we walk.
