The Best Way to Handle Decluttering Sentimental Items

by Simplify

Many people have a difficult time decluttering sentimental items. We infuse our belonging with emotions. They really don’t have any meaning besides the meaning we give them. Still, it can be a very painful and emotional process to let things go when we’ve attached so much value to them.

It’s easy to rationalize keeping sentimental clutter. The problem is this can get out of control, and we can label nearly everything as valuable. Our brains just get used to operating that way and we have to bring awareness to this in order to change this habit.

If everything is sentimental then nothing is sentimental. Giving everything value diminishes the things that truly are valuable. Being selective is a core component of living a clutter-free life. Go through your sentimental items and keep only the things you feel are most valuable.

If you have very sentimental items that you want to keep, try integrating them into your décor. That way you can appreciate it because it’s not just being stored away somewhere. Even if it’s an item that is not typically considered décor, you can get creative and find unique ways to incorporate it into the design of the space.

Decluttering sentimental items

Use your sentimental items. Incorporate them into your life. You can even break them down and use them to create something new. For example, you can take things like old clothes and turn them into a quilt.

You don’t have to get rid of all your sentimental belongings. Simply going through everything and keeping only the things you truly find sentimentally valuable will provide a sense of relief from clutter. Instead of storing the sentimental items you want to keep, find ways to use them so you can continue to appreciate them.

Decluttering sentimental items

For more decluttering tips, discover this guide to why we clutter and what to do about it or these 7 important decluttering mistakes to avoid in 2023.

To see more videos, check out the Mia Danielle YouTube channel.

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