10 Surprising Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar You Never Knew About

by Simplify

You probably have a bottle of apple cider vinegar hanging out in a kitchen cabinet.

However, did you know that this household bottle has many practical applications outside of the kitchen, too?

This pantry staple has long been hailed for its health benefits and culinary uses, but it can also serve as a multitasking powerhouse in unexpected ways!

From beauty hacks to household tricks, here are our top 10 new and surprising ways to incorporate apple cider vinegar into your daily life. Let's go!

Bragg's raw apple cider vinegar

Image credit: buzzfeed.com

10. Revitalize Your Hair

Say goodbye to dull and lifeless locks!

Mix one part ACV with two parts water to create a hair rinse that removes residue and enhances shine. Use it after shampooing to revitalize your hair and restore its natural luster.

ACV + water = hair magic!

Image credit: argonaia.com

9. DIY Facial Toner

ACV's acidic properties make it an excellent natural toner. Dilute one part ACV with two parts water and apply to your face using a cotton ball.

This DIY toner can help balance your skin's pH, reduce blemishes, and leave you with a refreshed complexion.

8. Banish Fruit Flies

Tired of pesky fruit flies invading your kitchen? Create a simple trap by placing a bowl with a mix of ACV and a drop of dish soap. The sweet scent attracts fruit flies, and the soap breaks the surface tension, causing them to drown.

ACV is a great fruit fly trap!

Image credit: homespunseasonalliving.com

7. Natural Weed Killer

Skip the harsh chemicals and make your own weed killer by mixing ACV with salt and a dash of dish soap. Spray this solution on unwanted weeds for an eco-friendly and effective way to keep your garden weed-free.

Image credit: homehacks.co

6. Soothing Sunburn Relief

ACV's anti-inflammatory properties can provide relief for sunburned skin. Mix equal parts ACV and water, soak a cloth, and apply it to affected areas for a soothing and cooling sensation.

ACV can act as great and frugal sunburn relief

Image credit: thealcyone.com

5. Fruit and Vegetable Wash

Ensure your fruits and veggies are free from pesticides and contaminants by using a solution of water and ACV. Soak them for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly for a natural and effective cleaning method.

ACV: Your next vegetable wash?

Image credit: tastylicious.com

4. DIY Deodorant

Create your own chemical-free deodorant by applying a mixture of ACV and water to your underarms. The antibacterial properties of ACV help combat odor, keeping you feeling fresh throughout the day.

3. Neutralize Odors in the Home

Rid your home of unpleasant odors by placing bowls of ACV in musty or smelly areas. The vinegar absorbs and neutralizes odors, leaving your living space smelling fresh and clean.

Vinegar in a spray bottle will clear up all kinds of weird smells

Image Credit: jenniraincloud.com

2. Unclog Drains Naturally

Keep your drains flowing smoothly by pouring a mixture of baking soda, ACV, and hot water down them. This natural concoction helps break down clogs without the need for harsh chemicals.

1. Natural Fabric Softener

Ditch commercial fabric softeners and add a cup of ACV to your laundry's rinse cycle. Not only does it soften fabrics, but it also helps eliminate detergent residues, leaving your clothes feeling fresh and clean.

Try adding some ACV to your cycle instead of fabric softener


Unleash the full potential of apple cider vinegar with these unexpected and innovative uses. From enhancing your beauty routine to tackling household challenges, ACV proves to be a versatile and eco-friendly solution for a myriad of everyday tasks.

Incorporate these tips into your lifestyle and experience the transformative power of this humble kitchen staple!

For more content that features ACV, we recommend cleaning recipes for every room and surface in your home and her 8 favorite simple and natural beauty tips.

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