The 10 Best Minimalist Items I've Ever Purchased

Today we're going to talk about what I think are the best minimalist items. They are my favorite items, and I think they are worth every penny as a minimalist.

Minimalism is about reducing the number of things you have so that you have quality items that serve a purpose and are helpful in your daily life. As a minimalist, I will share my favorite items that make my life a little bit easier and simpler.

1. Camera

The first up is my camera which I take everywhere. I think it is the best investment that I've ever made. It cost me about $220 to buy. I have got my money's worth out of it, and I'm very thankful because it's a game changer having a camera.

I like having my phone and I do use that for pictures, but I like having a lightweight camera that does a decent job of taking photos and videos.

Walking shoes

2. Walking shoes 

I love going out walking; I love going on coastal walks, so my walking shoes are my favorite things to wear. I live in them, so they're comfy, and they're really easy to wear. They're kind of like trail running shoes. I use them all the time, so they're worth the cost. 

Bullet journal

3. Bullet journal 

My bullet journal has my diary in it and has notes from meetings and any training sessions. I've taken notes on that, and one bullet journal will last me a whole year.

It has numbered pages and dotted pages. You can make it into grids where you can track things or write as free notes. I find it so versatile; it does much more than any normal notebook would. 

So it has all sorts of different things in there so you can go through, and there'll be different color pens and things. In the beginning, I had a dear diary that mapped out the dates for the year, which I found easy to refer to.

Then I do basic monthly logs of what I know is coming up, and then I can add those to it; I can add anything that's coming up that I know of. When I do my next set of month weeks to view diary pages, I know all the dates I need to put in for that month. So I track them there and then add them to my weekly diary as I make it. 

I would be lost about this. It's one item that does all those jobs, and I think it's just genius. In the back, I also tend to do my food stock check. I will also note what I've got in the cupboards and use that to meal plan.

Drawer organizers

4. Drawer organizers

My next go-to favorite item is organizers, like drawer organizers. I have a couple with my makeup so that I will have containers in my drawer. I will have them in my bathroom, where I've got different trays to store some things in to help it contain more.

It just means that things are sectioned off, and it's easy to find them, and you can put more in them because you tend to be able to fill them better than just having things piled up. A draw organizer is my go-to way of all dicing spaces. 

Food storage containers

5. Food storage containers

If you enjoy meal planning as I do and like batch cooking, then you probably have a fair number of food containers. If you don't do batch cooking and have lots of food containers, you're set because that makes your job a lot easier because I tend to go through them regularly.

I have one drawer dedicated to food containers. Sometimes that is empty; sometimes, it is full. It depends on where I am with my batch cooking and what I've used from the freezer. I've used some of the things in the freezer, so I'm ready to refill it again with more batch cooking. 

Quality cookware

6. Quality cookware 

I have one set of pans, one frying pan, and four saucepans of different sizes. They're perfect quality ones that are easy to clean. I don't put them in the dishwasher. I hand-clean those. It's the only thing I hand clean. 

7. Artwork

I like having pieces that make me think I enjoy that make my home feel a bit more unique and special. 

8. Bookshelf

I have one bookshelf now. I used to have two, but I've now reduced it to one. I have my favorite books there. Either sets of books by particular authors I enjoy or history books in case I go down another history route again. 

9. Smartphone

My phone has an excellent camera. So as a backup for my camera, I bought this phone based on the quality of the camera. It has everything I need. I don't have lots of apps or anything like that.

I try to keep it minimal on my phone, but it just means I have quality photos and easy reach, and it does the job, and the battery lasts for ages. I can usually go a few days without charging the battery, so it's definitely worth the investment. 

I also utilize the calendar quite heavily. The Bullet journal calendar is good for school so that I can have all the school stuff in there. I utilize my phone calendar a lot to organize my life because if I don't write it down, it does not happen. 

10. Water bottle

I take a water bottle pretty much everywhere. It's the only way that I can remember to drink water. That is my go-to easy way to have a drink, and I tend to take that out to events and things like that because it just means I don't have to purchase drinks. 

Best minimalist items

I think those are the best minimalist items to own as a minimalist. They're the things I reach for and use most often. Let me know in the comments below if you have different items that you cherish as a minimalist. 

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