Things She No Longer Buys in Order to Spend Less & Save More

by Simplify

Sometimes we buy possessions for status. Or we buy things like souvenirs because we connect our emotions to our things. A minimalist lifestyle can help us be more intentional and reduce the flow of things in our home.

People have to decide for themselves what is worthwhile for them to buy. Elin from Slice of Light, shares some items that she cut back on.

Think about the risks associated with buying products. Every product has a risk, whether it’s maintenance costs, clutter, or storage space. Some items may have bigger risks, for example, owning a Smartwatch or an iPad makes it harder to disconnect.

Cable TV (as opposed to subscription services that can be adjusted monthly) locks you into watching what’s on the TV schedule. Cheap jewelry tends to get tarnished and broken quickly.

Seasonal decorations spend most of the year in storage. If the benefits of an item don’t outweigh the risks, it may be worthwhile not to buy it.

A tip for buying beneficial products is to look for multipurpose ones. For example, shaving cream only has one use. But it can easily be replaced by sudsy soap, and soap is much more versatile and multipurpose. Instead of buying new indoor plants, promulgate the old ones. Make full use of all items.

Look for usable products. High-maintenance or uncomfortable clothing and shoes may not be a value add. Avoid purchasing items just because they are on sale and be conscious about spending. Essential oils are sometimes based on pseudoscience. Besides, scented candles, music, and a lit fireplace are much cheaper ways to add ambiance to the home.

Scented candles and other items

When it comes to beauty products, think about whether items are useful, and also necessary. Once people have a makeup or hair system that works, there is no need to add additional products. This also applies to getting manicures when nails can be painted at home much more cheaply. And on that note, there’s no need to own more bottles of nail polish than can even be used.

Another thing to think about is what is motivating the purchase. People spend money on trendy clothing, like jumpsuits, that go out of fashion so quickly in the age of social media and on designer handbags. Or on knick-knacks and decor that end up fading into the background.

Trends are there to give people status, but is it really worthwhile to base status and relationship building on possessions? One tip for cutting down on spending on clothing is to limit the number of hangers in the home. This makes the “one in, one out” rule easier to enforce. 

Things to no longer buy

Hopefully, these tips can help with living more minimally and consciously. There is no one size fits all minimalist lifestyle. What are some things that you don’t buy? Let us know in the comments.

For more minimalist ideas, discover these 15 holiday items she won't be buying this year or this guide on how to declutter your closet.

To see more videos, check out the Slice of Light YouTube channel.

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