How to Fight Frugal Fatigue: 6 Ways to Keep Motivation

I’m going to share with you my top five money-saving tips that I use to avoid frugal fatigue. When we are trying to pay off debt, increase our savings, or any other budgeting goal we want to crush, we definitely feel frugal fatigue in one way or another.

Let’s learn how to beat frugal fatigue so you don’t blow your budget and spend money on something you’ll regret.

Tip 1: Have an accountability partner

We all have moments when we are just plain tired of saving and we want to splurge on something that’s not in our budget. My husband is my accountability partner. If either of us wants to spend money on a larger purchase, we talk it through, decide if it’s a need or want, and then we usually wait to budget for it.

Here’s an example: I wanted to buy a deep freezer in the basement but our electrical panel needed to be fixed to accommodate that kind of purchase. I set up a little side account, threw money at it, and saved enough to get it all done and I was able to get my freezer.

If I just went and bought it, we’d have to take money out of our emergency fund to have it work or charge it on a credit card. That’s definitely a step or two backward. Anyone who cares for you can be your accountability partner.

Tip 2: Have a change of scenery

When you are bored, what do you want to do? Go out and blow the budget! Think outside the box to still have an amazing time with your family without spending money.

Here’s an example of what we did a few years ago during a very hot summer. Getting into the beaches around here can be very expensive and then you need to eat when you’re there. A day at the beach for our family of five costs between $80 to $120. That is not in our budget.

Here’s what we did: I packed a huge cooler with food and drinks and went to the beach at 4:00 in the afternoon when they no longer charge you for entrance to the beach. The whole day was free and we were able to get away and have a change of scenery.

Another time my credit card company was giving away free museum tickets. My kids were off school so we got on the train, had a great day in the city, and honestly, we just ate New York hotdogs from the street vendor and my kids couldn’t have been happier.

The whole day cost us $25 for the hotdogs. We had an amazing time. Check with your local library for free passes they have.

Ordering pizza for takeout

Tip 3: Find more time

Not having enough time is my pet peeve. So if I don’t have enough time after work to cook, of course, my brain automatically goes to “let’s order out.” That’s not okay for our budget. So every time I make some dinner, like pasta, I make a double batch and put it in the freezer.

I write the date and what it is on the outside of the wrapped aluminum pan so I can quickly pop it in the oven without thinking about how long to cook something. I don’t have to worry about dinner when I do this.

I serve this kind of meal on paper plates! That way, there’s no clean-up besides the delicious meal that kept us from blowing money on take-out.

Credit card bill

Tip 4: Have visual cues

When we were paying our credit card debt, I printed out what we owed and pinned it where I would see it every day. Whenever I wanted to go off the budget because I felt frugal fatigue, I had that visual cue to keep me going. It’s extremely motivating to have something to remind you why you are doing what you’re doing.

Remember who you are doing this for

Tip 5: Remember who you are doing this for

When I remember the amazing memories we’ve made because we saved money–like the free day at the beach or the Disney trip we saved up for–those accomplishments make me feel so lucky to have a family that brings us so much joy and moments like that to grab onto are really encouraging to continue on this journey of being a financially free family.

Whatever your goal is, hold on to those memories that really show you what you’re doing this for and who you’re doing it for.

How to fight frugal fatigue

I hope something inspired you here to stay on track with your budget and money goals. What are some of the ways you fight frugal fatigue? Let us know in the comments so we can all learn tips and tricks.

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