13 Everyday Things I Don't Buy Anymore

by Simplify

Kallie Branciforte of But First, Coffee, talks about things she doesn’t buy anymore. She made these 13 changes to simplify her life and become debt-free after making many bad past financial decisions. Here’s where Kallie cut back, her philosophies, and her quick tips for success:

1. Eating out

Don’t go cold turkey on this, just cut back slowly.

2. Fast fashion

Focus on quality, versatility, and classic styles to unclog your closet.

3. Accessories

It’s overwhelming to keep clutter organized and remember to wear everything.

4. One-time purchases

Cut back on buying holiday decor or items for single events that you’ll never use again.

5. Purchasing on credit cards

Use online when necessary, but use mostly cash.

6. Anything that can be financed

Even if you can presently afford monthly payments, what happens if you have an emergency and you can’t make the monthly payments?

7. Monthly subscriptions

Actively monitor what you use and don’t use anymore.

Disposable razor

8. Disposable razors

Invest in a reusable razor or similar.

9. The second grocery trip

Meal plan and cut extra trips to the store that result in spontaneous purchases.

10. Being disorganized

Organize so you don’t need to repurchase items you lost.

11. Living up to others’ expectations

Don’t buy things to impress someone else.

12. Buying out of boredom

Don’t spend money out of boredom.

13. Buying based on other people’s lives

Don’t be influenced by what other people use in their lives.

Have Kallie’s choices inspired your own? What are some of the things you don’t need to buy now that you’ve heard about Kallie’s experience? Let us know in the comments.

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2 of 4 comments
  • Teri Teri on Jun 16, 2023

    Yeah I get it..... but I travel a

    lot for work..... most

    places don't take cash anymore!!

    i used to to cash to budget what I spend- so that is a little out of date

  • Anne Anne on Jun 17, 2023

    buy quality so you don't have to replace cheap junk.
