5 Life-changing Benefits of Van Life

Dee | Lady Bugout
by Dee | Lady Bugout

Van life is not just about living in a vehicle. It is about a lifestyle choice that has been way more valuable than I could have ever dreamed or imagined.

Today, I want to discuss the benefits of van life and the effects that this change has had on my life.

You might be here because you are considering living the van life yourself one day, or because you are curious who in their right mind would opt to leave the creature comforts of a house for less than 30 square feet with no running water, electricity or proper plumbing.

Whatever the reason, I am glad you are here, and let me tell you why living in a van is so worth it.

Van life

1. Opportunity for adventure

One of the most compelling benefits of van life is the opportunity for adventure. This is probably the first thing that comes to mind when you hear about van life.

For me, adventure is more about the freedom that I have than the places that I go. I get to wake up to a new view every day if I want to, or if I find a good one, choose to stay for another day. And another. And maybe another.

If I choose to, I can also go exploring in a quaint little town somewhere. Alternatively, I can go to a remote part of the wilderness that nobody else knows about.

Do not get me wrong, It is not all beauty and sunshine. Sometimes there are more challenges on a daily basis than I ever experienced living in a house. There is horrible weather, maintenance issues, and so many more problems to handle.

Still, if I had to choose between my freedom and not having to deal with all this, my freedom is so much more valuable to me.

2. Benefit of simplicity

Freedom to explore is not the only attractive thing about van life. I have discovered that the simplicity of it is a true treasure. Living in a compact space has forced me to really prioritize things in my life and make up my mind about what matters to me.

I do not mean that just in a figurative way, although that is part of it. Van life has quite literally obligated me to become a minimalist. Faced with limited storage space, I have had little choice but to declutter, reduce, and organize myself way more efficiently.

As a result, I was surprised at how extremely liberating it has been to realize that I do not need much to be happy.

Van life

3. Good for the soul

Probably one of the most profound benefits is that it is good for the soul. For me, it is about being able to be outdoors more and really connect with nature.

Instead of being cooped up in an office or a house, I had the benefit of being able to be outside, breathe in the fresh air and take in so much beauty that makes my heart melt.

4. Self reliance and sustainability

Not only is it good for the soul, in a lot of ways it is good for the planet, too. The issues of climate change and waste are relevant as ever these days, and we are all trying to do what we can to live more sustainably.

Van life

Van life in particular has a way of confronting me every day with the impact that I have on the environment. In a house, you turn on a faucet or a light switch and you do not really think much about where the water or electricity is coming from or where it is going.

In a van, however, you see exactly how much water you are using while brushing your teeth, washing your dishes, cooking or cleaning. You have to think about it so you do not run out. You get used to checking how much power you have left after charging your phone, using your computer or having the lights on for too long. You have to deal with where the things go that you usually flush down the toilet.

All of those simple things have an impact. Obviously, I may have more of a carbon footprint for all the driving I do, and I am far from perfect with sustainable practice.

Still, I can honestly say that I have never been more aware of the need to live more responsibly than I am now. I definitely know more about solar power, water conservation methods, and composting toilets than I ever thought I would.

So I consider it a huge benefit to the planet and myself to learn to live more self-sufficiently and responsibly for the planet.

Van life

5. Community

The greatest benefit of van life is that it opens the possibility of finding a community of like-minded people who are usually more than willing to share their stories and swap ideas and tips they have learned along the way for making life easier on the road.

The community aspect of van life is truly incredible. You get to meet people that have lived all sorts of different lives, and there is a sense of camaraderie that you do not find in many places.

Again, like anything involving people and relationships, it is far from perfect. Yet, I have met some of my closest friends on the road.

Benefits of van life

I started out with this lifestyle thinking it was about living out of a vehicle, but found out it is so much more than that. I hope that by now you can see how van life benefits far outweigh any inconveniences of living in a tiny space.

What are your thoughts on the subject? If you live in a van or are thinking of doing so, what is the main benefit for you? Share in the comments!

Next, learn 5 Things to Know About Van Life Before You Get Started.

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