What Not to Buy at Dollar Tree: 21 Items You Should Never Buy

by Simplify

Christine, The Frugal Fit Mom herself, says that she’s always been a big fan of shopping at Dollar Tree. But, with the recent price hikes, she’s ready to search the store shelves again for what not to buy at Dollar Tree these days (as of May 2022).

Topping Christine’s list of the items not to buy at Dollar Tree is shredded cheese. The shredded cheese-like product they sell is not actually cheese at all, and it won’t even melt. Added to her list of what food should you not buy at Dollar Tree is cream cheese and sour cream because they’re not real dairy products either. Plus, the frozen pizza is actually more expensive than it is at other discount retailers.

What should you not buy at Dollar Tree besides food? Christine says their thin, cheap toilet paper is definitely on the list. And so are plastic food storage containers, flatware, kitchen shears, disposable razors, and batteries.

Furthermore, Christine says anything in the electronics section of the store should also be avoided. From off-brand batteries to headphones, electronics are definitely things not to buy at Dollar Tree. Christine bought a USB phone charger there once, and it started smoking.

Avoid buying electronics at Dollar Tree

Rounding out her list of what not to buy at Dollar Tree are items like dog waste bags, battery-operated tea lights, powdered coffee creamer, saltine crackers, cake and brownie mixes, frosting, cereal, and Monster energy drinks.

According to Christine, these items are often a waste of money because either the quality is not there or the products are so small you can save money by buying them in bulk elsewhere.

What not to buy at Dollar Tree

Lastly, Christine says that her list of what not to buy at Dollar Tree also includes canned goods because the sale price on these items is well below a dollar at other retailers in most areas.

For more money-saving stories, discover what not to buy at Target and how to save on groceries by reverse meal planning.

To see more videos, check out the Frugal Fit Mom YouTube channel.

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2 of 199 comments
  • Carol Danielson Carol Danielson on Jan 18, 2024

    I have mobility issues and I appreciate the fact that I can order online and pick up in store. It can be very challenging to move my wheelchair through the store.

  • Hollie Hollie on Sep 03, 2024

    The world doesn't revolve around Christine. I've had high dollar items that were inferior. Seriously.
