5 Amazing DIY Kirkland Dupes Made Using Items From Dollar Tree

I’m going to show you how I created some amazing Kirkland dupes from Dollar Tree items. These dupes are great DIYs for home décor.

We’re going to take some inspiration from pricey home décor and recreate them for a fraction of the price using our creativity to repurpose some affordable Dollar Tree products.

Kirkland glass candle holders

1. Glass candle holders

For our first project I'm making two glass hurricane candle holders with woven bases. Kirkland’s are $17 for the ten-inch size and $15 for the eight-inch. For our Dollar Tree version, I used their nine-inch vase and their seven-inch vase. 

Painting hula skirt pieces

I took a Dollar Tree hula skirt and braided the strands. To make them look like the inspiration pieces, I used some watered down antique colored paint and brushed that over my braids. 

Hot-gluing the braids to a glass vase

I hot glued those strands around the bottom of my vases, making sure to end at the same place I started so my work wouldn't show. I used a couple of empty ribbon spools to lift my Dollar Tree battery-operated candles. 

DIY Kirkland glass candle holder dupe

Kirkland's price for the pair of these candle holders is $32. Ours only cost $5, which is a savings of $27. 

Kirkland hydrangea door swag

2. Hydrangea door swag

For our next dupe, I recreated this hydrangea door swag. I used Dollar Tree Styrofoam balls, burlap ribbon, a shower curtain ring, and artificial hydrangea petals. One of the Styrofoam balls was green, so I painted it white just in case any of it peeked through. 

Attaching burlap ribbon with hot glue

To attach the burlap ribbon, I folded the end and stuck some straight pins into the ball to hold it down. I cut flowers from the hydrangea stems, used some hot glue, and started gluing them on in little clusters until the Styrofoam balls were completely covered.

Folding and pinning the ribbon to the ball

For the small Styrofoam ball, I folded the ribbon in half lengthwise before pinning it in. You would need a total of approximately four full stems of hydrangeas to complete this project. 

Attaching a shower curtain ring

I attached my ribbons together at the top with some twine and took a shower curtain ring and used some of that excess ribbon to wrap around it. I used another piece of twine to keep it all in place. 

DIY Kirkland dupe hydrangea door swag

For the top, I used a sweet little bow I made from the burlap ribbon. I wrapped that around under that shower ring with some twine, and that was it. The Kirkland inspiration was $18, and ours was only $7, which saved a total of $11.

Kirkland Welcome sign vs Dollar Tree DIY

3. Welcome sign

This next Kirkland's dupe has a whopping price tag of $60. I cut down a few of those wooden signs they have regularly at Dollar Tree and combined them to get a nice long frame.

I sanded my boards down and made my frame by gluing and stapling them together. Then I painted it using some antique color paint.

To make it a bit softer, I used some white chalk paint and dry brushed it on there. 

Cutting out the Welcome letters

I printed out the letters and then I traced them out on the back of a Dollar Tree rug. I used a Sharpie and went slowly along the edges of my letters. Then I lifted the paper and followed the lines to cut them out with scissors. I painted the letters with white chalk paint. 

Hot gluing black ribbon

I took my black ribbon like the inspiration piece and hot glued strips of it vertically to the back of my frame. Once it was glued down, I cut off the excess ribbon hanging over the edge.

I weaved the horizontal pieces through the vertical ones and glued them, pulling them nice and tight. Finally, I took my welcome sign and glued that to the ribbon. 

Hanging the sign with command hooks

I hung it temporarily on some command hooks, but you can just add a sawtooth hanger to hang it on the wall. I really love how it turned out. The cost of the original was $60. Our dupe cost us $4. That’s a savings of $56. 

Kirkland wooden apple

4. Wooden apple

Our next project is a wooden apple that costs $13, but we're only spending a dollar using a ceramic apple from the Dollar Tree. I painted it with white chalk paint as a base. I used a scrap leaf and cut it down and then painted that as well.

Painting a ceramic apple from Dollar Tree

I used some brown paint to get it to look more like wood. 

Painting the leaves gold

Then I used some metallic gold acrylic paint on the leaves to give it that antique brass look like the inspiration piece. I used a little bit of watered-down black and rubbed that on top. Then I hot glued that to the stem. 

Kirkland wooden apple dupe

Instead of paying $13, we saved $12 by making it ourselves. 

Kirkland monogram plaque

5. Monogram plaque

For our final dupe, I copied a monogram plaque using a Dollar Tree pizza pan and some black faux leather ribbon. 

Painting a pizza pan with white chalk paint

I painted the pan with white chalk paint. I used a dinner plate to trace the outer circle using my black paint pen. 

Painting a B in black

I made a B for the family name using chalk so if I messed up I could rub it off and redo it. I traced it with my paint pen and filled it in with chalk paint. 

Adding detail with a Sharpie

Using a sponge brush, I painted the outer edge in black. Then I used a paper plate to make a partial circle for our vines. I added dots and leaves in random places, going all the way around in the same direction. I attached my ribbon as the hanger, and it was done. 

DIY Kirkland dupes from Dollar Tree items

Kirkland's price is $17, and we made ours for just over a dollar. That's a savings of $15. 

DIY Kirkland dupes from Dollar Tree items

I hope you guys enjoyed these projects. I love looking at high-end items for inspiration to make my own affordable home décor. It’s so gratifying to see how much you can create on your own.

Leave me a comment as well and let me know if you tried any of these projects, or if you have any of your own dupes you’d like to tell me about. 

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2 of 47 comments
  • Terry Terry on Jan 30, 2024

    Great job on all of these dupes! I agree with others about using the wood stain on the apple but yours still looks good. What else would you suggest to use for the welcome sign instead of a rug? I’m going to give each of these a try very soon! Especially love the hydrangea door hanging. I’m going to put it on the inside of my front door! Well done, for sure!

  • Cee Cee on Jun 26, 2024

    The dupes are better than the originals!
