8 Quick and Easy Natural Home Remedy Recipes

Imagine if you had immediate access to remedies without needing to make a trip to the grocery store and spend money on overpriced synthetics.

You can start a simple medical apothecary filled with homemade remedies that will keep your family healthy for a fraction of the cost.

Here are 8 super easy natural and home remedies that you can make yourself.

Elderberry syrup

1. Elderberry syrup

Elderberry syrup is delicious and great for fending off or speeding recovery from colds and flus, likely due to its density of vitamins and minerals.

To prepare the syrup, combine elderberries and water in a sturdy pot, then simmer until the berries soften. Strain out the pulp, keeping the liquid, and compost the solids.

Return the liquid to the pot, add ginger and cloves, and then simmer uncovered until it reduces by half. Measure the resulting juice, add an equal amount of honey, and then mix well.

Store this concoction in the refrigerator and use it within 12 weeks. For cold or flu relief, consume 1-2 tablespoons several times throughout the day.

2. Fire cider

This is our second go-to natural cure for a cold or cough, full of immune boosters with antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. It is a vinegar infusion that combines horseradish with root vegetables marinated in apple cider and fiery because of hot pepper.

Grab a large jar, layer sliced onions on the bottom, then slice and dice ginger and garlic. Feel free to leave all in the skins and leave the seeds in, and do not get hung up on the amounts.

If you do not have a particular ingredient on hand, you can always stuff it in the jar later. It needs to steep for about a month, and then after that it reaches full potency, remove the solids and stir in some raw honey.

Store in bottles in the fridge for up to 18 months. Just 1-2 teaspoons daily will give a potent punch to your immune system, and to fend off early symptoms of a cold, just increase that dosage to three times daily.

3. Echinacea tincture

Echinacea, a plant native to the areas east of the Rocky Mountains of the United States, activates chemicals in the body that decrease inflammation and boost the immune system. It is most commonly used for the common cold.

You need at least 80 proof or 40% alcohol to effectively extract and preserve the plant compounds. I use a 1 to 5 ratio and let it steep for six weeks, then strain it into a dropper bottle.

Take a couple of drops mixed with a cup of water every few hours until your symptoms subside.


4. Osha root tincture

Osha root is excellent at providing respiratory support and relieving symptoms of conditions like bronchitis, asthma, eased coughing, and soothing irritated throat.

To make, place chopped or crushed osha root in a jar. For every ounce of osha root, add five ounces of alcohol. Strain the solids after six weeks and use as needed.

5. Dandelion root tincture

Dandelion root tincture provides liver and digestive support, which helps remove toxins from the body. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels.

I prefer to create this tincture using apple cider vinegar due to its milder taste. It needs to be infused for at least one month.

Take a teaspoon or two of dandelion vinegar before meals, and you will notice the difference.

6. Honey garlic infusion

I like to call this next recipe winter health in a jar. Fill a jar with garlic, cloves, ginger, and fresh or dried herbs. Then pour honey over the garlic and fill the jar.

You will have to do this in batches and use a wooden spoon or chopstick to ensure that the contents are totally covered, which also removes air bubbles.

Let it steep for 4-5 weeks for the honey to liquefy before you strain the solids.

When I am feeling off, I will stir a spoonful of this into hot tea. Ginger and garlic are immune stimulants and fight off infection of nearly every kind.

Homemade tea blend

7. Homemade tea blend

If you have ever bought any boutique or top shelf tea blends, most of what you paid for was the pretty packaging. Why not dive into the joy of making your very own tea blends from scratch?

Starting with the basics and working your way up is easier and more rewarding than you might think. Prepping and dehydrating your own fruit is a breeze, and you can enjoy custom tea blends anytime you want, experiment with endless combinations, and create unique flavors that suit your mood perfectly without the expense of pre-packaged teas.

To get the best flavor, stick with dehydrating seasonal fruits, such as citrus, pears, and late-season berries in the fall. In-season fruits will infuse your tea with a depth of flavor that store-bought teas just cannot match.

Most herbs dehydrate at a temperature between 95 and 150 degrees Fahrenheit and take 2-7 hours depending on factors like humidity, the thickness of the herbs, and the type of dehydrator you are using.

Once done, they will be crisp and ready to store in an airtight container.

I like to create fruit and tea herb combinations in pint-sized jars that I can add scoops of loose-leaf tea to and steep right in the jar before straining and enjoying.

My favorite combinations include orange-cinnamon-ginger tea with mulling spices, a mixed berry blend with hibiscus, and a pear-orange-goji berry tea.

And as you can see, paired with my own bulk tea and herbs will only cost me pennies per cup. By using a brake bleeder to make your teas airtight, you will be able to enjoy them for months.

8. Golden milk

Also known as turmeric milk, this makes a wonderful evening beverage for the colder seasons. Combine milk with ground turmeric and other spices, such as black pepper, cinnamon, ginger, and honey for sweetness.

The medicinal properties of turmeric include anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, as well as immune support, joint health promotion, and improved sleep quality.

Natural and home remedies

And this is how you start your own little home pharmacy! Have you ever thought of making homemade medicine? Are you into herbal remedies? Let me know in the comments!

Next, check out my 8 Delicious and Easy Breakfast Freezer Meal Ideas.

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