30 Days to a Clean and Organized House

by Simplify

Kallie Branciforte used to have a messy house because she convinced herself she didn’t have the time to clean it. She realized it wasn’t time that held her back, it was the lack of habits that kept her house messy.

Kallie tells you how to take a 30-day clean house challenge and learn to be tidy using five simple mantras that’ll build habits.

1. We are what we repeatedly do

You are the outcome of small, daily routines and habits repeated day after day. Develop a routine, such as cleaning the same room on the same day once a week or taking the trash out daily.

2. Never go to bed with a dirty sink

Kallie hated coming downstairs to a dirty, gross kitchen but she forced herself to clean her kitchen sink every night, no matter how tired she felt. Now she feels great waking up to a clean kitchen. For 30 days, just focus on cleaning the sink before bed.

3. Simplify your stuff

Your house didn’t get cluttered in a day and it won’t get decluttered in a day. For 30 days, declutter one area of your home a little bit every day for 10 minutes.

30 days to a clean and organized house

4. Attend to your flat surfaces

Tend to your tables, counters, shelves, floors, and anything flat because flat surfaces love clutter. Once a day for 10 minutes, clear off your flat surfaces.

5. Make time to be home

We’re an over-entertained society. Though it’s good to experience life, becoming more of a homebody saves money, lets you live simply, and gives you more time to care for your home.

30 days to a clean and organized house

By following these mantras, it’ll take you 30 days to a clean and organized house. Let us know what mantra is your favorite. Do you have a mantra to add to keeping a tidy house?

For more organizational tips, discover how you can embrace minimalism in 2023 or these common decluttering mistakes and how to fix them.

To see more videos, check out the But First, Coffee YouTube channel.

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  • Sheri Reinhart Sheri Reinhart on Jan 05, 2023

    I have lived by having a tidy house since I was a child when it was only my room/things I needed to keep organized. Now at 63, I see the pay off daily. I think people think it's a sign of genius to be untidy (eccentricity) or that an untidy person is busy with more important things and tidy people are boring/anal. Nothing can be further from the truth and since I have been tidy all my life I do cut myself a break by leaving dishes in the sink occassionally because I know I will not let it get out of control. The #1 reason I stay tidy is because when I need to find something I know exactly where it is. My partner is untidy but he has agreed to not clutter the internal house area, but you could come into our bedroom and know for sure who sleep on what side of the bed. His nightstand is cluttered and mine is not. I have watched him waste countless hours looking for something that he misplaced - my time is of the most value to me and I don't want to spend it looking for something. I think untidyness is actually laziness in disguise and while an argument can be made for I'd rather be doing something "fun" or "interesting" rather than tidying up - in the end not being tidy is a time waster and being tidy, to me, is part of becoming an adult and being responsible.

  • Jackie Jackie on Jan 11, 2023

    yes, I will take the 30 day challenge. Working on it right now.
