How You Can Embrace Minimalism in 2023

by Simplify

Do you want to live more minimally in 2023? Do you want to declutter your home, and give yourself more peace of mind? With a few changes, you can make 2023 the first year of your minimalism journey.

Imagine you go on a safari and your Jeep guide tells you to go out and explore the savannah. When you ask him if it’s safe and if there are dangerous animals there, he merely shrugs and tells you to take your chances. You would never get out of the Jeep.

But, stores like Target are potential danger zones as well. They are specifically designed to get you to spend money. Just like you wouldn’t step out on safari without a safety plan, you shouldn’t step into a store without pre-planning. That’s the first tip for living minimally in 2023; be aware and plan ahead.

Part of living minimally involves keeping items flowing out of your house, not into it. Set aside one day of the week when you visit the donation center, list things on an online marketplace, or get rid of stuff another way.

To motivate yourself, you can gamify this. If you don’t have a box ready on decluttering day, find an empty box, go from room to room, and challenge yourself to fill it up with things to get rid of. This isn’t the time for a deep declutter.

Minimalist home

It’s just a habit that gamifies moving things out of the house, strengthens your decluttering muscles, and helps you make decisions confidently.

Getting rid of stuff can be scary. Sometimes people are under the illusion that stuff keeps you safe. Think back to the last time you went through a crisis. Did you rely on the stuff in your house to help you? For most people, the answer is no, the safety is just an illusion.

The last minimalist tip is to consider everything in your house as inventory. You are not lazy or disorganized, you are just trying to manage too much inventory. The goal of living minimally is to get your inventory to a manageable level.

How to achieve minimalism in 2023

When you reach that state, you will find that minimalism feels normal and natural. You can find so much freedom through minimalism. Let us know in the comments how you plan to live minimally in 2023.

For more minimalist advice, discover these top minimalist multipurpose items to have around the house or these minimalism tips that can help you get better at decluttering.

To see more videos, check out The Minimal Mom YouTube channel.

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 1 comment
  • Mar8328445 Mar8328445 on Jan 14, 2023

    Thank you for the info. I take my good condition things to a consignment shop. This helps me part with things that are really nice that I do not need anymore. I hope to see all your conversations

