8 Common Toilet Cleaning Mistakes You Might Be Making

by Simplify

Hey there, fellow clean freaks!

Today, we're diving headfirst into the oh-so-exciting world of toilet cleaning.

Now, I know what you might be thinking: "Why on earth would I want to read about toilet cleaning?" Well, buckle up, because we're about to make this as fun and informative as humanly possible.

Let's face it, folks, a sparkling clean toilet is the cornerstone of a pristine bathroom, and nobody wants to be caught with a less-than-sparkling throne. So, grab your scrub brushes and let's get down to business!

Toilet cleaning: We got your back!

Mistake #8: Neglecting the Bowl Brush Dance

Ah, the trusty toilet bowl brush. It's like your bathroom's own personal superhero, swooping in to save the day from dreaded stains and unsightly residue.

But here's the thing, folks: many of us are guilty of neglecting this humble tool. We give it a half-hearted swish around the bowl and call it a day. Big mistake!

To truly banish those stubborn stains, you've got to channel your inner dancer and put some elbow grease into it. Give that bowl brush a whirl like you're on "Dancing with the Stars," and watch those stains disappear like magic. Also, make sure to keep the brush clean after each use to avoid it getting gross.

Don't forget your toilet brush after!

Mistake #7: Drowning in Cleaning Products

Raise your hand if you've ever gone overboard with the cleaning products in a desperate attempt to rid your toilet of every last germ and speck of grime. Guilty as charged?

Here's the thing: more is not always better. In fact, using too many harsh chemicals can actually do more harm than good, not only to your toilet but also to the environment. Instead, opt for a few eco-friendly cleaning products and use them sparingly. Your toilet – and Mother Earth – will thank you for it.

Stick to your cleaning essentials!

Image credit: express.co.uk

Mistake #6: Ignoring the Nooks and Crannies

Picture this: you've just finished scrubbing your toilet to perfection, and you're feeling pretty darn proud of yourself. But wait, what's that lurking in the shadows? Oh no, it's those pesky nooks and crannies that you totally forgot about!

We're talking about the hinges, the base, and all those other hard-to-reach spots where germs love to hang out. Don't make the mistake of ignoring them, friends. Arm yourself with a trusty toothbrush (designated for cleaning purposes only, of course) and tackle those hidden areas like the cleaning pro you were born to be

Toilet hinge

Mistake #5: Neglecting the Toilet Seat

Let's be real for a second: the toilet seat is like the forgotten stepchild of toilet cleaning. We scrub the bowl, we wipe down the outside, but all too often, we neglect the poor, unsuspecting seat. Big mistake!

Think about it – this is the part of the toilet that comes into direct contact with your tushy. So, do yourself a favor and give it the attention it deserves. A quick wipe with some disinfectant spray and a paper towel is all it takes to keep that seat squeaky clean.

Never forget the seat!

Mistake #4: Forgetting to Flush... the Right Way

Last but not least, let's talk about the grand finale of toilet cleaning: the flush.

Now, I know what you're thinking – "How can you mess up flushing?" Well, believe it or not, there is a right way and a wrong way to do it.

Many people make the mistake of flushing the toilet with the lid open, which can actually spray tiny particles of... well, you know... all over your bathroom. Gross, right? So, do yourself a favor and always close the lid before giving that flusher a push. Your bathroom – and anyone who uses it – will thank you for it.

The lid is there for a reason!

Mistake #3: Using the Wrong Tools

Ah, the allure of convenience! It's tempting to reach for the closest rag or sponge when it comes time to clean the porcelain throne. However, using the wrong tools can lead to ineffective cleaning and even scratch the toilet surface.

Avoid abrasive materials like steel wool or harsh brushes that can damage the porcelain. Instead, opt for soft cloths or microfiber towels that will gently clean without leaving behind scratches or marks.

Don't damage your toilet, use non-abrasive cleaning tools!

Mistake #2: Skipping the Weekly Maintenance

We've all been there – life gets busy, and suddenly, cleaning the toilet falls to the bottom of the to-do list. But skipping out on regular maintenance is a big no-no when it comes to keeping your bathroom sparkling clean.

Without weekly attention, stains can become stubborn, and bacteria can multiply. Set aside a few minutes each week to give your toilet a quick once-over with a disinfectant cleaner. It's very much worth it!

Nobody has ever regretted taking a few minutes to clean their toilet, right?

Mistake #1: Neglecting the Flush Handle and Surrounding Area

You've covered the bowl, the base, and the hinges when cleaning the toilet, but let's not forget about the flush handle and its surrounding area. Think about it – every time you flush, your hand comes into contact with that handle, transferring germs and bacteria.

So, give the flush handle a good wipe down with disinfectant regularly, and don't forget to clean the area around it where grime and dust can accumulate. A little attention to detail goes a long way in keeping your bathroom hygienic and fresh.

Toilet flushing handle


There you have it, folks – eight common toilet cleaning mistakes that you might be making without even realizing it. But fear not! Armed with this newfound knowledge, you'll be well on your way to achieving toilet-cleaning greatness in no time. So, grab your scrub brushes, don your cleaning gloves, and prepare to tackle those toilets like the cleaning warriors you were meant to be. Happy scrubbing!

Enjoy a clean bathroom!
Join the conversation
  • Anne Rhodes Anne Rhodes on Feb 28, 2024
    What do you suggest for removing the hard water line, which for some reason sits about 1/4" above the water you've just flushed into the loo? Quite often, someone will say/write that some things can damage the pipework round the u-bend etc.
    • Leslie Leslie on Feb 29, 2024
      I’m wondering the same thing! I clean my toilet several times weekly, am on “city water” (so no lime or rust), and still get that hateful line!
  • Marlaine Marlaine on Feb 29, 2024
    Hey, I'm in the same boat or should I say toilet. That line right above where the toilet fills. And why is it there if the water does not reach? Thanks.