10 Important Questions to Ask When Decluttering

Do you find it difficult to make decisions about which items to declutter? I’ll help you find the right questions to ask when decluttering. These 10 decluttering questions to ask yourself can help you consider each item more carefully as you move through the process.

1. Do I love it?

Does the item make you feel good when you wear it? Does looking at the item make you feel happy or smile? If something makes you sad, unhappy, or frustrates you, why would you need to keep it?

2. Have I used it in the last six months to a year?

If you haven’t used something in a year, the chances are slim to none that you’ll ever utilize it at all. Consider if you’ll use the item in the next six months to a year. If not, toss it.

3. Would I buy it again?

If the item was broken or damaged, would you repurchase the same exact thing? That gives you an idea of how much the item serves you. If you’re happy to replace the item, then that’s a worthwhile item to keep.

4. Do I own duplicates?

This works well for clothing. Do you have shirts, skirts, or trousers in a similar style? Do you need to keep everything? What about duplicate utensils?

Can you reduce the number of similar spatulas or serving dishes you own? Duplicates are easy to get rid of because you feel justified because you still have an item of the same kind to use.

Clutter in storage

5. Is it broken or damaged?

If you know the item is broken or damaged, do you need to keep it? Is it an item you’re planning on replacing down the line?

Or is it an item you’re just quite happy to get rid of because it’s a broken thing wasting space? These are the easiest types of items to get rid of without any guilt.

6. Who am I keeping it for?

Are you keeping the item because you want to pass it down to someone else when you pass away? Is it an item you think someone else might actually like in the future?

Or, are you keeping the item because someone gifted it to you or do you have an item that holds memories? Maybe you are holding on to an item because you want the person to know that you still have it. Or, maybe the item actually does mean something to you.

7. Could It benefit someone else more than me?

Do you know someone who would actually utilize the item more than you would? For example, what if you have a slow cooker and you don’t use it all that much but it’s in great condition but you know someone who is looking for one? Can you lend or gift it to them?

8. What value does it add to my life?

Is it worthwhile and purposeful in your life? If it is not adding value, why are you keeping it? The idea is that you are creating a home that is full of things that are purposeful and meaningful to you.

Yard Sale

9. Could I make money selling it?

Is it worthwhile for you to sell items you’re not using? What about old devices, game consoles, and phones that you don’t intend to use? When you think about the monetary value of something, it helps you to make more of a decision.

Sometimes it’s hard to get rid of an item if we know we can’t get any money for it. It’s easier to get rid of items you can sell. 

10. Would I take this item to a new home?

If you had to pack up your whole house and move, would you take this item with you?

What about if you were restricted with the number of boxes you could take with you–would you grab it and take the item with you? Would you desperately miss the item if you did not take it with you?

Questions to ask when decluttering

I hope these questions help you to make some decluttering decisions. You don’t have to ask yourself every question but ask yourself a couple for every item.

Let me know in the comments below which declutter question or questions you found most helpful! 

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