60-Second Habits to Maintain a Clutter-Free Home

by Simplify

Decluttering brings a refreshing, clean slate feel to your house, but it’s only part of the solution to the mess. The real key to maintaining a clutter-free life lies in setting systems and habits to uphold this cleanliness. In this post, pro organizer Christina Myachas shares her advice on implementing quick, easy, and efficient habits to keep your home clutter-free. We bring you some of the highlights here!

1. The Three-Second Rule

This rule suggests we only need three seconds to decide whether or not to do something. Instead of internally debating whether to do the dishes, skip the argument and just do it.

2. Consistent Placement

Designate a specific place for every item and consistently return it there. From keys to wallets to AirPods, having a designated place reduces the frantic morning rush of finding misplaced items.

Making sure everything has a place is key to staying organized.

3. Wipe Down Surfaces

Regularly wiping down countertops, sinks, and dusting regularly used surfaces keeps them clean and prevents buildup. It’s a simple habit that yields a clean, clutter-free environment.

4. Run the Dishwasher Before Bed

Maximize the dishwasher's efficiency by running it at night. This way, you wake up to clean dishes, ready for use, thus saving time and effort.

Running your dishwasher in the evening saves you from doing unnecessary work the next day!

5. Take Out the Trash When Full

Establish a habit of taking out the trash every few days. This routine keeps the space clean and prevents unpleasant odors from accumulating.

6. Use a Clutter Bin

Having a clutter catcher for items you're no longer using helps manage clutter. Once the bin fills up, donate or discard the items appropriately.

7. Uniform Hangers

Reduce visual clutter in your closet by using (more or less) the same hangers for all your clothes. It gives your wardrobe a neat, uniform look.

Using the same or very similar hangers gives your closet a neat, clean impression.

8. Put Your Coat & Shoes Away

Develop the habit of putting your coat and shoes away when you arrive home. It keeps the entryway clear and less cluttered.

9. Use Trays

Designate places for items using trays. It keeps items neatly arranged while adding a decorative touch to your space.

10. Put Away Your Dirty Clothes

Avoid leaving dirty clothes around. Use a laundry basket or a designated area to keep dirty clothes until they're cleaned.


By implementing these quick habits, maintaining a tidy, clutter-free home becomes second nature. As a result, you can spend more time enjoying your home rather than cleaning it. Happy decluttering!

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