5 Skills to Learn to Support Financial Minimalism

Ana Goldberg
by Ana Goldberg

I practice frugality and financial minimalism both by choice and necessity. But it doesn’t mean that I save every penny. I save money when I can and spend more on things that matter to me.

Since I was young, I understood that knowing how to do or make things yourself makes you financially stable, but mentally, as well because you no longer depend on other people.

You rely on yourself, your skills, your hands, and on your mind. I will share with you five things that I’ve learned to do myself, which is a critical element that contributes to my minimalist approach to personal finance and financial well-being.


1. Self-massaging

The skill of self-massage includes various techniques such as myofascial release, drainage massage, acupressure, and gua sha.

Bodies have to deal with a lot of emotions and tensions which result in unpleasant sensations such as migraine and neck problems. Self-massage is the perfect tool to deal with all of that.

My mother taught me some self-massage to deal with some sinus issues when I was 10 years old. Since then, I’ve read up on self-massage and taken courses on the subject.

I’m not a medical professional and this is only my personal experience, but once you find what works for you, it can be very helpful.

Gua sha

I also cannot afford to have weekly or monthly massage therapy, so this skill is beneficial to help me maintain physical health through the stimulation of blood flow and circulation.

You just need your own hands and maybe a couple of very inexpensive tools, but nothing else.


2. Making clothes

My goal is to have a wardrobe that is 100 percent handmade by me. But, realistically, it will be 80 percent.

Making clothes helps me understand how much time and effort is invested into the process so I value and care for my clothes so much more.

Of course you need tools and materials to make items, but you can thrift them. I still need more tools but I am still trying to make it work.

When it comes to material, yes, it’s a challenge, but I’ve also been able to make a dress out of a cotton tablecloth (see the image below).

Gingham dress

You get to choose the color, cut, and feel of your clothing. It’s also more ethical to make something that you will use longer and more lovingly.

Instead of supporting big, faceless corporations when you buy clothes, you are supporting independent pattern-makers when you make your own items.


3. Simple mending and repairing

This skill applies to clothing, appliances, and all other items. When I was a teenager I worked on renovation jobs – all very low paying and physically demanding, but I was able to learn some basic and useful skills.

We can learn anything thanks to YouTube. It brings satisfaction and comfort knowing we have at least a little bit of control over our environment. There are so many things in life that cannot be fixed, such as experiences, losses, and sorrows, so that’s why this skill is crucial for my well-being.

Darning socks, sewing buttons, repairing chairs, and painting walls are fantastic acts to empower yourself.

Mending sweater

I can add new style to old things without overspending. I am owning and using things sustainably, which considerably reduces my eco-anxiety. I am adding value to my everyday life by interacting with my things.

Ana Goldberg card

4. Art and design

I never went to art school, but I draw, collage, and make designs I use both professionally and personally. I don’t use other people’s services for these things.

While learning simple design skills while I was still working as a copywriter, I was able to offer my clients more elevated services and better pay.

By developing my personal style of art and design, I’ve managed to begin making money as an artist. It feels amazing. These skills nourish me and that feeling is priceless.

Art and design

This skill helps me express myself. It helps me focus better and deal with the challenges related to ADHD. Knowing how to create art has drastically improved my social skills and provides a feeling of community.


5. Cooking

Though it’s a mundane skill, it’s very important. Cooking has endless benefits.

For some people, however, it may be much cheaper to buy takeout or prepared foods with the same ingredients that would be quite expensive to buy in grocery stores.

This is because food prices are surging worldwide. In the long run, cooking can save a lot of money because it creates physical and mental wellness.

Homemade dinner

I can personally choose and prep my ingredients. I can plan how I get my nutrition. I can also try different dishes and cuisines without overpaying at a restaurant.

Financial minimalism

I want to learn a new skill in the future: cutting hair! I want to learn to cut my hair and other people’s hair. It will require time and dedication to learn this skill.

Financial minimalism helps us build our well-being through being present, creative, and ambitious. We gain more control over our life, which is precious.

Please comment which of these skills you practice and other skills you’d like to add to this list.

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  • Dee Dee on Nov 03, 2023
    I can cut a man simple trim a woman. Glue loose wood furniture , insulated around house, clean vents filters,fans.
  • Sandra Sandra on Nov 04, 2023
    I just took my sourdough rye bread out of the oven. I bake a few kinds of bread both with or without commercial yeast. I also have been cutting my own hair for a long time. I used to cut my kids’ hair and my ex’s hair. I like to grow things and used to grow a big organic garden when I lived in a house. I am just finishing a hat I am knitting for my son and last week I crocheted myself a beret. I have been sewing since I was very young and have made myself and my daughter some beautiful clothes. I fix, and paint, and can build and repair.I draw and paint and love to use my hands. These skills have served me well my entire life.