Minimalist Habits That Make Me Happy

Sometimes life can get complicated, and what keeps me grounded is my routine.

Today, I want to share with you the minimalist habits that make up my day. All these things make for a calm and peaceful routine that fits me and helps me stay true to myself even on the busiest days.

Here is one day in my life that represents the minimalist living habits I have adopted pretty well.

Waking up

Recently I have installed blackout curtains, and it has been a game changer for my sleep quality. I do have no idea why I never invested in them until now. I go to bed at really odd hours, but with these, I can still get uninterrupted sleep, which then has a ripple effect on everything I do.

My phone has been a distraction lately, and I am making so much effort not to let it interfere with my day, especially in the morning. I used to wake up feeling anxious to see what was waiting for me on my phone. I did not realize that I was jumping into the day before I could physically and mentally prepare for it all.

Urgency culture tells us that the more we have to do, the more we need to get the day started quickly, but honestly, the world can wait. The emails, the texts, the social media, the news… nothing is more of a priority than ourselves.

So I try to start the day with things that nourish me instead. Sometimes a 15-minute sunrise flow, and other times, just stretching out and waking up my body. It is just a more mindful and gentle way to ease into the day.

Walking dog

The next stage is my morning walk, of course. This is probably my favorite part of the day, and it has been a constant in my routine for 7 years now. No matter how busy life gets, the dogs give me an excuse to escape it for a while and just enjoy the outdoors. There are so many beautiful places on Oahu.

I used to drink coffee the moment I woke up, but I am trying to delay the caffeine until later in the day, after I have had my AG1, which has been helping my energy level and making my skin clearer.

How long does it take for you guys to get ready in the morning? I have been working on simplifying my morning routine down to 15-20 minutes, depending on if I need to shower.

Most days, I am just home, so I do not need to go overboard, but I also realize that I do not want to be in my lounge clothes all day either.

I am enjoying the 33-piece capsule wardrobe, although I do wish that I had chosen more short linen dresses, because it has been really hot here, and I realize that I rarely reach for those denim shorts and long pants.

However, I do love how effortless it is to get dressed in the morning.

Working at laptop

My work days look different almost every day. Some days I am writing, other days I am editing or filming. Today was a catch up day. Usually, I will write five most important things that I need to get done that day, and make that my whole focus.

This, paired with time blocking, has really helped me to stay consistent in my work and fight off most of the distractions. And honestly, I have had to come to peace with the fact that I will not get everything done.

I could be at my computer all day and still have stuff to do. I am still learning how to gently decline requests for more time, and weed out all the other distractions.

It has been 3 years of working from home, and there are things I love about it, and some things that I do not like as much. However, undoubtedly, one of the biggest perks is being able to cook my lunch at home. Nothing fancy, but even if it is quick, I can prepare something hot and fresh, which is such a luxury. I have a handful of recipes in rotation, and I will meal prep twice or three times a week.

Today, I had some macadamia nuts, so I decided to make some pesto Hawaii style. Just some basil, olive oil, cheese, garlic, and nuts in the blender. It usually takes less than 10 minutes. Some other things I love to make for lunch include omelets, sandwiches, fried rice, wraps, salads. It just makes a huge difference, and simplifies my days to plan the meals the week ahead.

After lunch, I like to spend a little time reading. A couple of months back, I watched this movie called “Light Between Oceans”, and I fell in love with the scenery. The story takes place on a remote, rugged island off the coast of Australia, and the cinematography is perfect.

The other day, I saw the book at the library, and decided this was going to be my summer novel. Nothing I love more than a lazy summer day, getting lost in a good fictional book, while having the fan blow in my face.


Later on, I met up with my husband at the farmer's market. There are so many good ones all across the island. I picked up my mangoes and a couple of other fruits to last me for the next week. We also spent a little bit too much trying out some of the good food and drinks, but it was worth it for the conversation and the fun atmosphere.

Minimalist habits

Most days are some variation of this routine, which is not the most exciting, but I love the simple days in my life. I try to find small joys along the way, and make every day count.

What are the best minimalist habits you have adopted and can recommend to others? Leave a comment and share!

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 1 comment
  • San22071824 San22071824 on Oct 16, 2023
    I try to do yoga or meditation first think in the morning. If not, I stretch almost every day. I am 70 so stretching is what keeps me flexible and moving.