Feeling Overwhelmed With Debt? Here's the Positive Side!

It's no secret that debt can feel suffocating, and I can certainly relate to those feelings as I too am in debt. But I've also discovered some unexpected benefits of being in debt that have helped me redefine how I see the situation.

Rather than feeling like a victim of my debt, these factors have empowered me to take control of my circumstances.

Today I would like to discuss these insights in the hopes that they may assist you if you are struggling with overwhelming debt. My goal is to help you shift your perspective on the matter and find a way to overcome it.

How to change your debt mindset

1. More motivation

As soon as my account balance dipped below zero, I knew I had hit rock bottom. I made a firm decision to never let myself reach that point again. From that moment on, I found a way to recover every single time, and I am confident that you can do the same.

You might consider selling some of your belongings or exploring other sources of cash, but rest assured that you will find a way out of debt.

Embarking on a journey toward financial freedom can be transformative, allowing you to discover your own resilience and inner strength. The realization that you never want to experience the stress of debt again can be a powerful motivator for change.

Reaching your financial goals

2. Goals to reach

If you have debt, it is likely that you have the goal of becoming debt-free. You are taking action to achieve this goal, and for that, you should be proud.

Personally, I have over $50,000 of debt that I am determined to pay off by a specific date. I could choose to make only minimum payments on my debts and take the full length of time to pay them off, with all the added interest. Unfortunately, this is the norm for many Americans.

However, I do not want to spend a decade or more in debt. I am driven to pay off my debt as quickly as possible, ideally in less than half the expected time. This goal excites me and motivates me to push harder.

Paying off my debt is just the first step towards achieving my big financial goals, which include investing, saving as much as possible, and working towards financial independence.

Without my debt, I might not have set such ambitious goals for myself. Becoming debt-free gives purpose to many of my actions, providing me with something to strive towards and anticipate with enthusiasm.

Finding joy in the small things

3. Enjoying the little things

I have noticed that my perspective on finances and material possessions has completely shifted since beginning my debt-free journey.

While I would not describe myself as a complete minimalist, I have certainly adopted a more minimalist lifestyle. I now find joy in the little things and no longer need to go shopping to experience the dopamine rush that material possessions can bring.

Instead, I cherish simple pleasures like going for walks, reading books, savoring a cup of coffee on the balcony with my boyfriend, and cooking dinner together. I prefer to engage in free activities that create memories and happiness.

While buying things might provide a temporary high, that feeling quickly fades. In contrast, the small things in life are more valuable and enduring, bringing greater joy and satisfaction.

Gaining financial education

4. Financial education

If I did not have this debt, I might not have gained such a deep understanding of personal finance. Researching how to get out of debt led me down a path of discovering how to invest, achieve financial independence, and employ different saving and budgeting strategies.

It is unfortunate that schools do not teach these essential skills, and that many parents are not equipped to provide this education to their children.

Thankfully, I am grateful for the resources available to me for learning. Taking the initiative to educate myself has been empowering, and I am grateful that there are free resources available to help others do the same.

Realizing less is more

5. Your wants decrease

As I mentioned earlier, I have embraced a more minimalist lifestyle since embarking on this journey. The truth is, we do not need all of these material possessions.

By spending less, I have been able to save money and pay off more debt, and the rewards are well worth it. It no longer matters to me what clothes I wear or whether I have the latest phone model, as those kinds of expenses only keep you broke and in debt. Instead, I have learned to appreciate and take better care of the things I already have.

By setting boundaries for myself and not making purchasing things an option, my perspective on material possessions has shifted dramatically, and I am grateful for this change.

Feeling Overwhelmed With Debt

Overall, being in debt has opened my eyes and changed my perspective on many aspects of life, such as my goals, career, and aspirations.

Although overwhelming at times, the debt-free journey is one I am grateful for as it has brought positive changes to my life.

I hope this article provides reassurance and inspiration to those struggling with debt, urging them to persevere.

What are you personally grateful for in regard to your debt or your financial struggle? Feel free to leave a comment down below.

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