Cheap, Free & Frugal Hacks For Saving Money Around the House

by Simplify

Kim, the content creator behind Free to Family, says that her secret to creating frugal hacks that work is to DIY everything possible. From barn doors to garden beds, fire pits, and kitchen backsplash, DIY projects are one of the many ways to save money at home and still create the look you want.

Other frugal life hacks Kim touts are using up all health and beauty products before replacing them, keeping a sewing kit so you can mend clothing items instead of replacing them, and using Arm & Hammer laundry booster and Zote soap to boost the cleaning power of your laundry detergent and remove stains so you don’t have to replace them.

Thrifting home decor is another smart move when it comes to developing frugal life hacks of your own, according to Kim. And so is using coupon codes and browser extensions whenever you purchase items online so you can find discounts or see which retailers are selling the same item for less.

Using Gua Sha instead of expensive skincare products

Next on Kim’s list of extreme frugal hacks is to use only jojoba oil, facial massage, witch hazel toner, sunscreen, and gua sha to take care of your skin instead of using expensive lotions and potions.

Kim also learned how to save money at home by not drinking alcohol or smoking. She doesn’t like it, and it saves her a ton of money by not having these vices. She does, however, bring a water bottle full of filtered water everywhere she goes. Plus, she also likes to freeze water in Powerade bottles to make water slushies which are really refreshing on hot summer days.

Frugal hacks

While Kim does have a lot of frugal hacks she uses at home, after time, they just become part of her normal routine and the same can happen with you.

For more frugal hacks, see Kim's previous list of frugal hacks or this simple pantry organization hack.

To see more videos, check out the FREE to FAMILY YouTube channel.

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