Follow Along As I Organize My Nightstand: Easy Tips an Tricks

I want to show you how I organize my nightstand so it doesn’t become a jumbled mess.

My nightstand drawer organization allows me to keep everything in order so I can breeze through my morning and nighttime routines. I’ll show you how to organize your nightstand so it can stay organized.

In my nightstand drawer, I have some open space, and the rest is filled with drawer organizers of different sizes. When you’re organizing your drawer, you can section your belongings by size to help determine what type of drawer organizers you will need.

You have to figure out how many you will need and determine the sizes that work best for what you keep in your drawer.

Organizing a nightstand

In the open section of my drawer, I have a large bottle of nighttime supplements. I also have supplements I take in the morning, like probiotics which are best to take on an empty stomach.

I have a bottle of magnesium oil that I spray on my legs at night to help me sleep. This is also where I keep my face-massager.

I have chronic face pains so it’s important to keep my face-massager in a place I can reach for it easily. I keep a lens spray and optical cloth because I have to spray my glasses every morning or they get grimy.

Organizing a nightstand

I have a drawer organizer to hold medium-sized bottles. I fill it with jars of DIY moisturizers and scrubs. The organizer has a larger section also where I keep my deodorant, some black cumin oil, and some jasmine-infused oil.

I also keep my eyedrops there. A separate section holds my face products, including a bottle of hyaluronic acid, rosewater, a retinol moisturizer, and a tinted moisturizer with SPF.

Organizing a nightstand

Then I have a drawer organizer with very small sections for all of my many essential oils. I use my essential oils for all sorts of DIY products like skin, hair care, and cleaning products. I also use my essential oils in my diffuser. One part of the organizer holds 5ml bottles and the other holds 15ml bottles.

I have a second drawer in my nightstand where I hold books I am currently reading. I also keep some bird supplies for my bird. I have seeds, paper towels, a mini broom, and a dustpan. My birds sleep in my room.

Organized nightstand

The nightstand is a great place to start your organizing journey. It’s a small enough space that you can get done quickly. This will help you build momentum to organize the rest of your spaces.

Do you already have a nightstand organization method? What do you keep in your nightstand? What are your favorite essential oils? Leave me a comment so we can chat.

Next, check out my Easy Hacks for Organizing Your Paperwork Quickly.

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