How Minimalism Changed My Life: 6 Invaluable Minimalist Lessons

Angela | Arrow
by Angela | Arrow

Today, I want to talk about how minimalism changed my life.

I remember the exact day I became a minimalist. We made a garage sale to raise money to adopt my daughter. As we cleared out our home, I realized how much we had that we didn’t need.

I began to get a better understanding of where my values lay. Each time we simplified more, we were met with an abundance of peace, joy, and fulfillment.

As we have continued with this lifestyle I gathered many lessons learned along the way.

Making bed

1. Minimalism is a highly personal journey

Everyone has their own reasons for taking on minimalism as a way of life. We all go into this journey with our own history and baggage.

You can’t force someone to eat healthy, or exercise, and you can’t force someone to become more minimalist. Early on in my journey, I was a bit pushy about sharing with people who weren’t ready or were uninterested in a minimalist life.

That’s one of the reasons I like to share here. I know if someone has found my content, it’s because they are looking for more ways to embrace a minimalist lifestyle.

When it comes to living with people who don’t embrace minimalism, my advice is to simply lead by example. Wait for them to ask questions or comment on your lifestyle.

Sweeping porch

2. Decluttering is ongoing

The decluttering process takes a long time and is never fully done. The beginning of most minimalism journeys starts with a pretty intense decluttering process. It would be great if that was all it took, but there will always be more things to declutter.

The one constant in life is change. We need different things at different times. Don’t be afraid to let go of things that no longer serve you, or to acquire things that you now need. It’s helpful to always keep a donation box.

I also recommend seasonal decluttering where items can be re-evaluated. Open all the drawers and dig in the backs of cabinets and closets, just to make sure everything you have still serves some purpose.


3. Benefits of a highly simplified environment

Our brains function better in a highly simplified environment. I get overwhelmed easily. Too much chaos and too many choices led me to feel scattered and out of control.

As my home became more cleared, tasks didn’t seem as daunting. The quiet and peace I feel in my home is unmatched. If I’ve had a long day or stressful interactions I know I will find sanctuary at home.

When I get home, a sense of calm takes over my body.

Reading a book

4. Minimalism creates a peaceful home

A peaceful and well-run home is one of the benefits of minimalism. The mundane chores like dishes and folding laundry will always be there, but these tasks no longer feel like a burden to me. I even enjoy these things as I recognize the flow of my days and the stability it creates.

None of these things feel like they’re being done in vain because I enjoy the sense of order they bring to my home. I’m doing these tasks as a service to my family. This makes them feel more purposeful to me.


5. More than a tidy space

Minimalism is so much more than a clean space. When people hear the word minimalism, they think of the aesthetic aspect. Maybe they picture an empty space with white walls.

Minimalist living is about so much more than how it looks. The longer one engages in minimalism the less it becomes about getting rid of things you don’t need and the more it becomes about elevating the things you value.

Minimalism is about your relationship with the things you keep. I found myself feeling a level of connection to life that I had never experienced before. I feel more present as a wife and a mother.

I appreciate all the little things even more because I have the space and capacity to recognize them. I find myself feeling gratitude for the way the rain smells, the sound of the birds chirping, and the way the dirt feels between my fingers when I garden.


6. Minimalism doesn’t define a person

While I do call myself a minimalist, that doesn’t define everything about me. Now that I’ve eliminated the excess from my life, I’m hoping people can see me for the individual that I am. My minimalist lifestyle allows me to present the world with my most authentic self.

It’s easy for people to see where my priorities, principles, and values lie. Even if I am misunderstood by someone, I have the confidence that I know myself fully. This makes me less vulnerable to other people’s judgments.

How minimalism changed my life

You don’t need to follow any particular pattern or path when it comes to minimalism. Simply follow your heart and you will end up where you’re supposed to be.

I hope my sharing can positively impact your journey. Leave me a comment so we can exchange tips and ideas.

Next, check out these 27 One-Minute Habits For Cleaning & Decluttering Your Home.

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