Saving Money at Home: 5 Creative Ways to Get the Most Out of Products

Single Mom Money
by Single Mom Money

With inflation on the rise, I’ve had to get creative to find methods for saving money at home. When you’re a single parent with little mouths to feed every penny counts. I want to share some of the ways I’ve managed to save money by making sure I get the most out of everything I buy.

How to keep cilantro fresh

1. Keep cilantro fresh for weeks

There’s nothing more frustrating than having to throw away fresh produce. This happens all the time. We buy fresh produce and don’t manage to use it all before it starts rotting.

Finding ways to keep your produce fresh for longer will save you the money and trouble of having to throw away half of your veggies.

Here is a great way to preserve fresh coriander. Cut off the bottoms of the stems with a pair of scissors, keeping the ends nice and clean. Place the coriander in a cup of water and store it in the fridge. This is a great way to extend the shelf life of your fresh herbs.

How to make strawberries last

2. Fresh strawberry preparation

Fresh strawberries are a fantastic, healthy snack for kids and grownups alike. Leaving the strawberries unwashed and packed in the container they came in reduces the amount of time they stay fresh.

Also, I don’t know about your kids, but mine will just take fruit from the refrigerator and eat it without washing off the pesticides. Here’s what I do to keep my strawberries fresh and ready for snacking.

The first thing I do is wash the strawberries in a strainer. Then I lay them on a dry towel. To dry them quickly I throw them in a salad tosser. Once they are dry I line the strawberry package with a paper towel and gently place the strawberries back in one at a time.

How to dilute mascara

3. Get more out of your mascara

The next time you think you have run out of mascara, don’t throw the bottle away. You can always get more out with this simple hack.

Pour a few drops of multi-purpose disinfecting solution into the mascara bottle. Use the brush to mix it up or try closing the bottle and shaking it.

This will dilute and free up the mascara left on the sides and bottom of the bottle so you can use it longer instead of having to go buy a new one right away.

How to make your own deep conditioner

4. Deep conditioning hack

I have found a trick to get deep-conditioning hair products for less. Don’t waste your money on fancy deep conditioning products. Instead, just make your own.

Take about half a cup of regular conditioner and pour it into a bowl. Add a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of olive oil. Mix it up until it’s smooth and put it in a container. Use this mixture when you need deep conditioning for your hair.

Saving money at home

5. Lengthen the life of disposable razors

Here’s another great trick for extending product life. Keep your disposable razor longer using this hack. After shaving, rinse off the razor and pour some rubbing alcohol over it. Then dab the razor clean with some cotton.

Before putting the cover back on, dry the razor with a blow dryer. Blow dry it for just a few seconds and put the cover back on. You’d be surprised how long a one-use razor can last using this hack.

Saving money at home

We’re so quick to throw away and replace items in our households. If we use things a little more consciously we can make our products last longer.

The longer we can stretch the use of the things we already have, the less we have to worry about going out and spending more money on new products.

Do you have any creative tricks for extending the use of items you keep in the house? Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comments.

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 1 comment
  • Fran Friedman Fran Friedman on Dec 11, 2022

    What is a multipurpose disinfecting solution? I know of hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, vinegar, and coconut oil. What are you recommending?
